
I need some ideas of what to do in summer.?

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I'm 15 and have no car, but I do have a bike to get around on.

Just need some ideas to get away from boredom around the house.




  1. This is kind of hard to answer since I don't know what is near your home, but maybe some general ideas:

    Call up some friends and play ball or frisbee at a local park or school.

    Enjoy a walk or run if you're wanting to stay in shape for fall sports.

    Go out with a camera and take some fun pictures for your facebook.

    Go to the local pool.

    Hang out or shop at the local mall.

    Meet a friend at 7-11 for Slurpees.

    If you have a work permit, you could look for a job.

    Go to the movies.

    See if there are any interesting classes at your local Y or park district or sports club.

    Surprise your parents and mow the lawn.

    Have a picnic or cookout with friends.

    Go bowling.

    Hope that gives you some ideas you can use!

    Enjoy the rest of your summer.

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