
I need some ideas where i can host my 3 year olds b-day party, my house is too small. any ideas?

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I need some ideas where i can host my 3 year olds b-day party, my house is too small. any ideas?




  1. If it's nice out , the park is a good idea.

  2. Try a community centre, they usually have rooms/spaces to rent and pretty cheap too :)

  3. A park, in the back yard if the weather is nice. Chuck E Cheese, or another kid friendly place near you.

  4. Do it at a bouncy gym those are great for toddlers

  5. A good place where a lot of young kids love to go is chuck e cheese's. They do birthday parties and have alot of games there.Also try BurgerKing and Mcdonalds(aim for one with a play place) . You could also take some of his/her interest and try to come up with something to do.  Hope this helps and good like.

  6. Does your town have a senior citizens center, community center, or VFW?

    Where I live all of these places will let you rent out their facilities for such events. You just have to make sure the place looks the same when you leave, as when you came.


  8. take them to chuckie cheese &ask a couple other parents to join you. the kids will have a blast with all the games &pizza.

  9. I used McDonald's, Sports facility, Showbiz pizza and riding stable.  Some like McDonald's are not that expensive.  Fun!

  10. Well i understand your dilemma.  While Chuck E Cheese is nice, I have found it overpriced and extremely crazy for birthday partie.  I actually found a place in my area that had giant inflatiables for the kids to jump on that hosted parties.  They are usually called things like the jumping monkey or kangaroo's or stuff like that.  See if your area has something like that, because a good time will be had by all and here's the best part.....everyone will wear themselves out! *S*  The zoo is another good idea.  I would avoid the park unless you want the clean up part.

    Try to find a place to do it so you can enjoy the day.  But bottom line is I would find a place where activity is the key word because you are having a bunch of three year olds who need to remain entertained! *S*

    GOOD LUCK!  And have fun!

  11. If it is nice outside, you could have it at a local park. You could arrange games for the party at the park or just let them go free and play. Or you could do both. Like half the time let them play whatever they want and the other half the time do the games planned. I put the adress of a website with kids games. Hope that helps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. I would have them on the floor in a circle.   Put  some pots & pans on the floor

    put some kiddie music on

    let them do the beat of the music.

    you could also ask the guest to bring their favorite music instrament.

  13. Chuck E Cheese or some place similar in your area. They cater to children and its a fun environmet. They make sure they kids stay inside and help watch over them and there's lots for them to do. Prices are reasonable too.

    Have fun and Happy Birthday o your child!!!

  14. if possibe take them to chucky chesee

  15. If your town or one nearby has a zoo why not a field trip with some children and their parents.  You can pack cupcakes and a thermos of coffee for adults and juice cups for the kids.

    The kids will love it and its a great time for adults, too.

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