
I need some info about spice gold?

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a friend of mine told me about this new stuff called spice gold or whatever that has the same affect as weed does and i tried it and it does but i did not think that it was legal ..... but then he showed me the reciept of it ...... i need to know some stuff about it




  1. Spice is a herb based and is sprayed with concentrated extracts and oils that is more commonly used at a -sub- for cannabis.

    Spice has been around for quite a while so its not new :P

    you can get different strengths with spice such as,

    Spice, Spice gold, Spice diamond.

    I cannot list the extracts but i can list the ingredients


    Baybean (Canavalia maritima)

    Seeds were found in royal grave sites in the Yucatan and Peru dating from 300BC to AD900.

    Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea & Nymphaea alba)

    Worshipped by ancient Egyptians as a symbol for the origins of life. The flowers were known for their visionary and inebriating effects. White Lotus was successfully used as an anesthetic in WWI when the more traditional anesthetic was not available.

    Lion's Tail (Leonotis leonurus)

    Used by the Xhosa and Hottentot tribes of South Africa for its inebriant and euphoric effects.

    Indian Warrior (Pedicularis densiflora)

    At least one Native American tribe is known to smoke the flowers of certain Pedicularis species for their narcotic effects. Pedicularis densiflora is one of the most rare and potent species of Pedicularis. It has been used for many years as an aphrodisiac, muscle relaxant and strong sedative. More potent than any other herb of its kind.

    Dwarf Scullcap (Scuttelaria nana)

    Scullcap is well-known among the Cherokees and other Native American tribes as a sedative and an excellent treatment for anxiety and insomnia. It has been known to cause giddiness when large amounts are ingested.

    Maconha Brava (Zornia latifolia)

    Dried leaves smoked by Indians in Brazil as a visionary aide.

    Pink Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera)

    Possesses great significance in Eastern religion. Indians believe that Brahma, creator and God of the universe, sprang from a lotus blossom. Pink Lotus was often smoked or made into a tea to create a mystical feeling of joy that penetrated the mind and body.

    Siberian Motherwort (Leonurus sibiricus)

    Used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years under the name Yi Mu Cao. Also commonly used in Brazil and Chiapas as a substitute for another popular smoking herb.

    Vanilla and Honey: Used for favlouring





    Now am going to Type out live report of Spice Gold, and Describe the Effects

    As Accurately As Possible.

    Also i will help ya with the most commonly FAQ


    I Tear Open The Foil and open the Baggy. (Bit Annoying Opening it but meh)

    Slowly i smell inside the packet. (Honey & Srong Vanilla)

    Also it smells to me like Out of the Oven Golden Syrup Cake.




    First Bong hit - Eyes are feeling to tighten,

    Slight warm buzzing in your head, light tingling in the feet, ***, legs+thigh, Very deep feeling of Relaxation

    Slight feeling of deja vu,

    Second Bong hit- Heart starts to beat more rapidly,

    Taste and touch senses are increased, Very mellow, mong feeling,

    extremely dry mouth,

    craving of the Consumption of Fluids are increased Bloodshot eye (When the eye looks red), you almost look Chinese

    Third Bong hit- Ghost feeling. (Its when you say to your self..Oh ****) and you can picture ur face at the moment inside ur head

    Almost like looking threw a live mirror. More dry mouth, You start heat up in the feet and legs, Body temperature increasing, Need of the toilet is desirable

    And thats where i stop at that, normally after that and i cant remember what it felt like the next day or even when i was actually doing it,


    My conclusion



    (Good) Water, Fruit Juice

    (Bad) Tea & Coffee, Alcohol

    Tea & Coffee Will not quench your thirst.

    In all They will Most Likely Make You More Thirsty


    Going Out


    If your going out with your mates.

    Or if you are going for an Lecture and need something that wont bore you to death

    Hence you dont want people Know your stonned.


    1.Use Eye Drops. (Use 3 drops per eye) anymore and it will get worse

    2.If you have Long Hair, Girls and Metal heads Use it to cover your eyes.

    3.If they ask if you are alright? (Say you are just tired)

    4.Don't Go talking to some random, and last a confersation last for a few hours.

    (Past Experience) *Shivers*


    Things to Do When Your Stonned


    1. Play Some Games. (Wargames, Guitar Hero) Are very good.

    The wargame gives you a sort of Realism for example. Your playing inside

    a tank and when you get hit by some sort of missile your heart will jump.

    2. Listen To Music. (Any music you want it all sounds good)

    3.Sit back and Enjoy a campfire

    4.Spice Gold also works as a mild Aphrodisiac (^_^)

    5.Go Watch a film.

    6.GO and think of some your self!


    Things not to Do When Your Stonned


    1.Have Friendly Chat With A Police Man

    2.Take a Drug Test (Spice Gold Wont Show Up)

    3.Take Part In physical activity (Big headache!)








    1.Bong, Make Sure you have a decent Size Bong small ones are no good)

    1.Fill with warm Water (Cold smoke will itch, Hot water will not work.)

    2.Joint, Joints Are A Waste of All That herb, Not as good Effects)

    2.(Dont Mix Tobacco with your herb)

    3.Pipe, Very Harsh Smoke (Can Get the Job Done)

    +Best Effect is with a bong+

    What is good is, Getting a king size Skin, Cut it in half and roll Spice gold.

    Then right after you smoked it, Use your Bong and get Smashed!)




    1.Drink Spirts, Etc Vodka, Gin, Whisky

    (Not to much Beer and Cider)

    Do'nt drink Wine make u feel really sick!







    But more greener :P

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