
I need some info from other vegans?

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There is this very persistent guy that knows me & everyday he will not stop making these annoying comments about how bad it is for me to be a vegan. I explained to him that since going vegan I have not only lost 88 pounds, improved my health but that being vegan is something I strongly believe in. He constantly says that I am making my family suffer by being vegan cause they aren't vegan & that I can eat meat cause G-D put animals on Earth. I told him that there was plenty of other food to eat besides animals but he is starting to make me angry. I cant avoid him cause he works at the place we live. Any suggestions from other vegans? Thanks !




  1. Just stop talking to him. He'll get the point. There's no point in arguing with someone about your diet, especially when he's obviously doing it just to get your goat, so to speak.

    Let him know that you are not open to changing your diet and that if he wants to talk to you, he had better think of something else. Then just ignore him if he says anything about food.

  2. Just tell him that you respect his opinion but hearing it everyday isn't going to change your mind, and to be frank it is just annoying.

  3. Tell him to mind his own %&^$ business. Tell him you are sick and tired listening to his unwanted advise.

  4. If he says that you're making your family suffer, say something like "Slightly inconveniencing other people isn't nearly as bad as causing animals to suffer and die for no reason." (If your family supports you, tell him that.)

    About religion, say: "Why would a compassionate G-d create beings capable of feeling pain, suffering, and a desire to live, if their only purpose in life was to suffer and die at the hands of humans? It doesn't really make sense. Do you think G-d would be impressed with factory farms?"

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