
I need some information about kidney stones.....?

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I have a MALE FRIEND hat has kidney long does kidney stones usually last? What can you do to ease the pain and get them out of your system. ? How long before you can have sexual intercourse




  1. This is not the site to ask that type of  a question, I doubt that many doctors have access to the answers site. Go to Web MD and ask there and get the full low down from those who have spent at least 4 years leaning about the human body.  Just type in Kidney Stones.

    BTW kidney stones don't just disappear by them selves but sometimes can be dissolved with medication prescribed by a doctor.

  2. There is no way to answer how long they will last.  If they pass on their own it could be a few hours, to a few days.

    If they dont the doctor will have to remove them, or blast them using lithotripsy.  

    The only thing you can do for the pain, without going to the doctor, is using tylenol, or advil.  

    Intercourse is ok, anytime, if he feels like it, but I doubt that will happen for awhile.

  3. He needs to ask his doctor those questions.  

    Kidney stones often cause no pain while they are in the kidneys, but they can cause sudden, severe pain as they travel from the kidneys to the bladder.  How long the pain lasts depends on how long it takes to pass the stone.

    He should call his doctor right away if he thinks he has kidney stones. Watch for severe pain in his side, belly, or groin or for urine that looks pink or red.  He may also feel sick to his stomach (nausea) and may vomit.

    Here are a couple of helpful links.

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