
I need some information about polar bears being endangered for a school project. any help?

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i ned help on why they are endangered and other information such as how we can save them , when they may be fully extinct, some other cool information, ect. This is a power point presentation with 7-10 slides so i need alot of good info. Thanks ppl. :-)




  1. The polar bears are not declining.  They are not endangered.

    The following link will help sort out the truth.  It has several references to get you started on your research.

    Good luck!


    There are onther links, here as well.

  3. Polar bears survived the last interglacial period when temps were higher by far than they are now. Animals can adapt and fur-bearing animals can grow thinner coats, reduce fat under the skin and so forth. There is a stable population of polar bears and they are not endangered.

    Since you need this for school you may find it more practical to play along as if they are endangered. You can find arguments for that position but they don't stand up to close scrutiny.

  4. Instead of trying to do your homework here by having everyone else do your legwork-you'd learn a lot more by going to the library (ever hear of one?) or at least using

    Yahoo SEARCH and type in polar bears...then go through all the sites that come up. What do you think someone here is going to do-have it all memorized and write it for you?

    The purpose of school projects and homework is for YOU to learn by doing the research-and typing in a question here is NOT research!

  5. Matt ~

    I would suggest you check out

    Check the wildlife category in environment.

    There are several excellent resources.

    Be sure to look at Defenders of Wildlife listed in

  6. Here's an excellent source. and article:

    Tell President Bush to Protect Polar Bears

    Scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey have said that habitat loss and global warming could cause polar bears to disappear entirely from Alaska by 2050. But that hasn't stopped the Bush/Cheney Administration from dragging its feet on protecting our polar bears under the Endangered Species Act or paving the way for harmful oil and gas drilling in sensitive polar bear habitat.

  7. Polar bear are not endangered.  Here is something the news media wont tell you.  During the last warm-up, the Earth actually got warmer than it has gotten so far.  The northern ice cap disappeared. Well there were polar bear then and they survived.

    Classified as Vulnerable (VU) on the IUCN Red List 2007 (1).

    "Status: An estimated 21,000 to 28,000 polar bears roam across large distances of the Arctic. While not considered endangered, some isolated populations are vulnerable to pollution, and possibly to the effects of global warming."

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