Hi Folks,
I'm considering installing a wind power generator on my property as well as several solar panels. Where I live, I have hot water baseboard heating and an electric hot water heater. My property is well positioned for this type of application. I have 3 acres right by a lake and the wind blows 50 to70% of the time. I've got a local representative coming over in a few days to do a complete assessment of my property. My power bill is $320.00 per month. Can someone give me and idea of what your power bill or actual CASH MONEY SAVINGS IN YOUR POCKET have been as a result of installing solar applications on your property? I think it is a tremendous investment and I see only high energy costs for the rest of my life. I just retired and don't like what I see. I'm looking at investing over $20,000 to get this done. This includes a wind power generator cemented into the ground. Does anyone have these wind generators installed on their roof? Thanks folks!