
I need some inspiration... or maybe some ideas?

by  |  earlier

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I absolutely love to write, but lately... I can't think of anything that I would like to write about. Can I have some ideas? I know that inspiration will come to me when it comes, but you can give it to me!!! Please nice ideas... Like, meaningful ideas. You know what I mean. Thank you! You rock! (The people who answer this question.)




  1. conflict!

  2. What you need to do is get out and observe. Move away from the computer. Don't depend on YA. Allow your mind or muse to look, to see, observe, take notes.

    Fill up on things you find interesting, appalling, amusing, ghastly, disgusting, scary, wonderful, touching, emotional, calming, the whole emotional gamut. Do not write while you observe.

    Take a few notes. Jot random thoughts. Jot trigger thoughts only. Let the cup fill up. Then digest. Rest.

    Take a walk. Wash the dishes by hand. Take a shower. Take a nap. Have your pen and paper ready. Or a voice recorder.

    Wait for "it" to happen. It will.

    Then write. But do not depend on others. You have your answers already. Just give your mind a chance to do what it does perfectly and allow process to be what it is. Practice becomes habit. In your habit you must give your brain a break so it can sort out and solve the creative mystery.

    Once you have learned this, you will never again be at a loss for ideas. I know.....

  3. if you remember an interesting dream, maybe some chilhood dream, it can be interesting to write on

  4. Inspiration. Perhaps. A poem anyhow.

    A poem I wrote a year ago today.

    I started to write a poem in my head today

    in the car -

    on the way

    It managed to slip my mind

    as I stumbled inside

    standing too long -

    staring at the moon

    I started to write a poem in my head today

    in parkinglot

    on the road

    It managed to slip my mind

    as I rolled my eyes

    and listened to the cries

    of the moon that stood too long

    I started to write a poem in my head today

    in the depths of my mind

    in the tears of the blind

    It managed to slip my mind

    as I crawled through the sky

    in the clouds that abide

    I started to write a poem in my head today...

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