
I need some law advise badly!!??

by Guest61686  |  earlier

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ok so here is the story, Me and my huband bought a car, only had it an hour, we had a friend drive it home, he got pulled over for no tag, i pulled up behind him and told the officer we just got it an i would get a bill of sale. My husban pulled up with us. My husband asked tho officer if the boy that was driving the car could tak my husbands truck and my husband would stay with the officer, the officer then told my husband and me if we didnt leave he was going to arrest us, and started pushing my husban, so i walked twards my vehicle, and my husban walked to his, my husband then got on the phone and called the man we got the car from to get a bil of sale. the cop came to my husbands truck on the other side of the hwy and told him he was under arrest....ok so i had to get him out of jail...they said they arrested him fir disorderly conduct. we had court yesterday and the district attorney asked my husband if he is going to pled giulty or not, my husband said not..she told him that it was pointless to fight the cops because he wasnt going to win...they want him to get 31 days suspended jail time and 1 year probation, so if he gets in trouble in that year he would have to serve the 31 days, so he said he would go ahead and pled guilty, well she came back 15 min later and said that she missunderstood the officer, that he wants him to serve 31 days in jail.....keep in mind i live in a small small town about 3,000 people in Alabama, the cops and everyone else is crooked as h**l, i dont think he did anything to deserve to be put in jail for 31 days. Also he doesnt get in trouble with the law, we own two buisnesses in this town. im needing some advise on if we should try to fight this, and how, and what the laws are...any help PLEASE!!!!!




  1. Assuming your facts as given:

    Get a real lawyer.  

    Plead innocent, demand a trial and a jury, and maybe remind them you have witnesses.

    Immediately file a lawsuit against that cop personally, the county or city PD that employs him, and the county or city above that PD, and anyone else your lawyer can pin this one.

    I wouldn't drop the lawsuit merely in exchange for them dropping the criminal charges.  That would be a given.  

  2. You shouldve hired a proper it now, and sue the county

  3. You already did what you should -- pleaded not guilty, set a trial and get a lawyer.  Whether you can get acquitted depends upon too many variables.  Your story is quite obviously neither accurate not complete.  Once the judge or jury hears the whole story, then they will decide what has and has not been proved.  

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