
I need some legal advice about child support. ?

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My ex is $23K behind on child support. He got hit with court papers. They want him to turn himself in or they will nail him with criminal charges. Our daughter is 10 years old. They just started to form a relationship a few months ago. It will only hurt her if he has to go to jail.

Is there anything I can do on my end to help him out?

Please don't give answers slamming him for not paying. I need real answers on what I can do.




  1. well sometimes the attorney general employee ill ask you what your opinions of the situation is. you can either press for him to be placed in jail or press for him to be placed on probation, you do not get the ultimate say, but you do have a voice in the matter, let it be heard

  2. It is time to speak to a lawyer about your options.  The rules are different in every province and state.

    He will not go to jail if he makes some kind of payment arrangements.  Is he working?  If not, is there a valid reason why he does not work?  If so, why has he been delinquent with his payments?  Has he paid any child support.  Does he make monthly payments of any amount?  If he is seen to be making an effort, he will not go to jail.  Putting him in jail costs the government money and they know he cannot make payments while he is in jail.  

    On the other hand, do you want your daughter to have a relationship with someone who does not accept responsibility for her?  He does not sound like a role model  

  3. Is there anything you SHOULD do?  Probably not.

    Are you thinking that he should be relieved of the penalty for his continued failure to support the child?  You do not own the right to child support; your child owns that right.  You cannot give up something you do not own.

    It may hurt her that her father is jailed.  But it will benefit her to see the imposition of consequences for bad decisions.

    Also, if he is jailed, it may help many other children.  Jailing deadbeats often encourages nonpayers to bring their child support payments up to date.

    This can be a win-win situation.  He can pay up and show himself and his daughter what responsible fathers do.

  4. There is nothing you can do. Once he is caught, they will prosecute.

    Especially if the state has been helping foot the bill for your daughter.

  5. nothing u really can do...he made his bed now he must lay in it...

  6. Wait, you're trying to help him out? Wow...that's a first. My ex owes me over $50K [our son is 12] and we just went to court last week because he hasn't paid since Feb. and they gave him 30 days to find a job or come up with $3000 that's delinquent from Feb. till now. They put him in contempt and if he doesn't comply on the next court date they threatened to put him in jail on work release until he finds a job or starts paying. They're getting pretty harsh on these child support cases...which I don't think is a bad thing. So, why isn't he paying? Did he lose his job or something? I really don't think there is anything you can do to help him since it's already going thru the court system. You can talk to your lawyer, if you have one...or to the State's Attorney who's handling the case and explain your situation. I wish you and your daughter the best of luck, honestly.

  7. I assume that you did not file the papers on him, DHS did, right?  He is 10 years late on that bonding relationship though.  He will have to make arrangements to pay a good deal of that money to the court now and make payment arrangements for the rest.  Unlike real jail time that can keep you in jail until your outstanding court fine is paid off. (our state $25.00 per day)  Child Support is different.  They want their money, which in reality is you daughter's money.  If he lives to be 100 years old he must pay until it's paid off.  Child Support can't be discharged on bankruptcy either.  Unfortunately there is nothing you can do.  In my state sometimes you can decrease the amount by asking that a settlement is made but it must be appoved by the court.

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