
I need some legal advice?

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My 14 year old daughter send naked pictures to her 19 year old friends. He asked for them and she sent them. I guess she told me she wanted a naked picture of him! She also blackmailed the 19 year old buy saying if she didnt send him a nude, she would report him. So what can i do? I am confused and I took the camera and the computer away from my daughter until I can get things strait! So tell me..Can i press charges on the 19 year old or what? How much jail time would he face? I live in the state of California!




  1. contact a one can give you legal advice legally unless if they passed the BAR.

  2. Hmm, sounds like you are the 14 year old girl. Grow up!

  3. thats child pornography and yes he can get arrested just save the paper trail i.e emails etc report to the local authoriites and ask for a dectective who handles sensitive cases

  4. Well, she could be on the hook for blackmale, which would give her a Juvi record, which I assume she has already, given the context of the question.

    I would say this is just kids being kids... keep the 19 year old away from the 14 year old, and hope your daughter doesn't get preggers in the next 4 years.  You could probably ruin the 19 year olds life, if you really wanted... which would pay for the rent on your daughters mobile home and mac & cheese for years to come.

    Good luck!

  5. Wait -- what? Your daughter sent naked pictures of herself to a boy (and then tried to blackmail him!) and now you want to press charges against the boy???

    You could conceivably get him a criminal record as a sexual offender. This will follow him around the rest of his life, and may prevent him from holding a good job or going to college. Think long and hard about this. Do you really want to ruin this young man's ENTIRE FUTURE because of something stupid that *YOUR* inadequately supervised child did?

    I'm all for seeing criminals punished -- but I think you need to ask yourself who is the real victim here?

  6. man your daughter has sent the picture by herself and without any act of force to do so the guy as in your story did not harm her with this ... most probably the guy will go free and you will pay for the attorney fees.

  7. Don't be mad at the 19 year old. It's not his fault your daughter did what she did. Take a little responsibility. The police can't do all your parenting for you.

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