
I need some like serious advice about something please?

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OKay so I want to breed my mare Phamonty. she is sooooo pretty but like fer dome reason my mom and daddy said no because she is not old enough. but she is already 3 yeares old! and the last time i checked that wasnt too you.g

How can I MAKE my parents saw yes to this? Phanny is a beautiful horse and she deservs to be a mmomy! I think she was ment to ne a mommy horse from the start.

How do I convince my parents????? PLEASE help me!!!!! This is very important because Phanny WANTS to bea mom SO BAD.




  1. i feel sorry for you...sooner or later Wha Were They Thinking? is gonna read youre question and then youll be in for it.

  2. I think Phanny does not want to be a mom because her kid is trying to irresponsibly breed her. Phanny's kid should listen to her parents. People who don't know about breeding horses should not do so. Phanny wants to be a nice friend to her kid, not have to take care of a baby when she is still a baby herself. Phanny would be much happier if her kid adopted a baby for her, bringing one less horse into the overpopulated world. Phanny would be really happy with an adopted baby and a responsible kid.

  3. Yeah, it is not going to happen. I know how you want to take care of a "cute" foal and you want a horse just like yours. The problem is, it would be extremly expensive and come on now it is your parents ultimalte desicion. if they dont want to go through all of the added trouble and money then dont make them. Why dont you go to a horse auction and adopt a foal that is homeless if you need a foal, believe me there are plenty of them there!!!

  4. woah. major edit:

    i leased a horse that had a baby at 3 years old, and thats too young. i mean you can do it, but its not good for the horse or baby.

    i think the reason your parents are doing this is becasue EVERYONE wants their horse to have a baby. but no one wants to train a baby cuz horses cost tons of money these days

  5. Kid - give it up.  Phanny doesn't WANT to be a mom - and you aren't old enough to assist her in being a mom.

    Until you know how a horse thinks, why it thinks what it does and how to properly "read their minds" and stop giving your beautiful Phanny human attributes you are not ready for her to be a Mommy and neither is she.

    Breeding a horse is tricky - take it from a person who's had horses all her 41 years, has bred horses and started those I've raised, it takes A LOT of knowledge to breed a horse, raise a foal and start it.  It's not fun, it's work.  You do not start out with a pretty mare and end up with a rideable young horse by magic.

    Your parents tell you she's not old enough because you won't understand nor accept any further reasoning- and you probably don't like me telling you what you don't want to hear either.  that's because you are young, you don't know about life (although you'd like to think you do) and you've got YEARS of experience ahead that's needed before you can hope to breed a horse and raise a foal.

    You need to start realizing that your parents have had those years of experience and know the right answers to things and the right things to do.  You need to acquiesce to their decisions then try to understand why they make the decisions they do so that when you are older you make the right decisions.

    Have you got that mare in a 14' x 14' stall totally enclosed with no objects sticking out and no place for a baby horse to get a leg or head caught?  Have you got a paddock for the mare and foal that's NOT woven, hot or smooth wire - but rather 3-4 boards and horse-proven no climb fence attached every 8 feet to a wooden post?   Are your gates covered with mesh to disallow a little leg getting caught between the rungs and set high enough that a sleeping baby can't roll under it outside the fence or get caught under it?  Have you learned everything you need to know about why a baby horse does what it does - everything that makes it spook, how protective Phanny would be over her foal and even hurt you even though you think she loves you?  Have you saved up a good $3000 to get her bred and get the foal safely on the ground?

    These are only 10% of the things you MUST have and know in order to have a foal.  How many times have you seen a dead foal because it got caught in a foot tall space under a door when it was sleeping, couldn't get out and couldn't breathe? Have you ever seen a foal with a broken leg from getting caught in a fence?  Have you ever seen a beautiful baby that's gotten it's leg caught between two panels of an enclosure because their little catch rope caught caught - with the meat and skin all beaten off who later dies from infection?  These are all things I've seen as the result of people who don't know enough about baby horses but think they're ready to have one becuase their horse is so nice and pretty and they think she should have a baby.

    Now that you've read this - go out and give Phanny a great big hug, tell her how much you love her and that you'd never ever put her in a spot where she or her baby could be hurt or misunderstood.

    Trust me kid, you see all the horses in this world who kick or bite or act badly or are injured so they can't be ridden or have a happy life?  80% of those are because people thought they needed a baby and didn't know what they needed to know to keep it safe and train it properly.

    If you lived near me, I'd take you out to my barn, show you my mare and her foal and explain and show you just how difficult and costly it is to raise a good foal.

    Now I'm not tryin' to yell at ya - but I think forecefulness is needed to teach you to stop being a self-centered, whiny kid who thinks they know it all.  If your Mom and Dad, who love you and are smart tell you no, you better trust them to know what's best for you and remember this message later on when you have kids of your own and they whine because they never get what they want or are unloved.

    At least YOU have a horse!  Do you know what a luxury even that is?  Times are tough, jobs are going away, people are getting laid off.  Most kids in this country or world don't even know what it's like to have a nice horse like Phanny to love and care for.  Unfortunately many horses aren't as lucky as Phanny to be loved and cared for.  Lots and Lots of them are left without food, water, shelter or are injured without proper care.  the money to keep a horse is high - like a good few thousand dollars a year - that's about 200 CDs a year a kid could purchase or maybe $2000 MP3 songs - or even 15 Applie iPods!  

    Sit down and ask Mommy and Daddy to show you what it costs to keep Phanny - then figure out how you'd pay for that if you were in their shoes.  Then go thank them for doing that much for you and give your horse a hug.

  6. I hate to burst your bubble but you can't make your parents let you do it and you don't know that she wants to be a mom. Foaling is a huge responsibility and takes extra money and time. Not to mention the vet bills. Your parents might not want the responsibility and the extra bills

  7. Why would the knowledgeable people want to give advice when you answer peoples question rude & snotty????  

    & You DO NOT  breed a 3yr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

  8. First off, a horse isn't done growing until 5 years old. And if you breed too young then she could end up sway backed. Do you want to do that to her? Or what if your mare and/or foal dies during labor?  Or has a hard labor? Do you know what to do? All of these things happen alot!!!

    But REALLY I think this is VERY SAD!!!

    A horse does NOT "want" to be a mom.

    Sounds like you need to get a reality check on this. And I don't think you know enough about horses just by your question. You have one horse, be thankful for that!!!!

    Take care of the one you got....America doesn't need anymore "Backyard breeders".

    Definition of a "backyard breeder" - someone breeding a horse for a 'just because' reason (i.e. wanting a cute foal, my horse wants to be a mom).

    If you want another horse adopt or a life, not create another!!!!

  9. It is best to wait until your horse is 5. She will be full grown and mature. Breeding her now, which you can do, can affect her growth. The foal would be taking nutrients she would use to grow. Foals born from young mares also have a better chance of not being born healthy, because they are competing with the dam's body for the essential nutrients. I think your parents are right. It is better to wait.

  10. A 3 yr. old wants to be a mom so bad?  Doubtful, since she is still a baby.

    This whole question reaks of a bored child.




  11. You can buy a baby cheaper than breeding your own.  I have 5 prego mares (i got them when they were pregnant i didn't breed) and it costs me way more money then the others.  I have a rescue and thankfully a vet that works with me or it would cost me a fortune.

    There are way to many horses and foals that need homes, heck they are selling babies at the auction for 50 dollars and these are quality babies.  

  12. 3 is way too young! a horse should at LEAST be 5 years old. even then, it would be preferable if you bred her later on so that she has a chance to make a name for herself and win some money so that her foal will be at least worth something.  

  13. I'll put it in one sentence for you.. do NOT breed your mare there are to many unwanted horses in this world right now.

  14. DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU'RE GETTING INTO??!!! are you prepared to back it, teach it to pick up its feet,teach it to lead in hand,teach it to respond to pressure by moving away from it? and it's expensive DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW TO BREED?

  15. Ok - point one - 3 is too young to breed a mare. The foal can leach nutrients from the mare itself which in turn can cause developmental problems in the mare.

    Point 2 - There are over 200,000 unwanted horses in this country every year that can't find homes - if you had any sense of responsibility, you'd know that and not want to compound the problem. Obviously your parents have got their heads on straight!

    Point 3 - Just because the mare is sweet, does not make her a good producer nor does it mean that she will even nurse her foal. I've seen mares that are kind as can be and then refused year after year to stand and nurse their foals.

    Point 4 - Just from what you have written shows that you are lacking in the maturity needed to make such judgement calls let alone deal with a foaling mare and halter breaking a baby.

  16. Oh I get it. This is a joke, right? Its a good one considering I was about to get really fired up.  

  17. I really think you should take the time to spell things properly. It makes questions frustrating to read when there is consistent misspelling. I seriously doubt your three year old horse wants to be a mom. If she does - how would you know, anyway? I'm sure she is beautiful and perfect in your eyes but that doesn't necessarily make her good enough to breed. Technically three is not too young physically but for many horses it is too young because they are still to immature -- although they have the physical ability to conceive and foal they just aren't ready. She isn't even full grown yet herself.  If you'd like companionship for her, purchasing another horse would probably be cheaper in the long haul than breeding her. Also, there are too many horses in the world -- would you consider adopting a rescue??

  18. I know it's tough when you want your horse to be bred. I would do some more research about breeding and ask your vet what age most mares are bred for the first time. And maybe he can check your mare out as well to see if she would be ready. if your parents still say no, ask them if she can go into some professional training so she will have some good basics when her foal is born in the future.  

  19. Boil it down.  You want a foal, not Phanny.  You will be a more responsible horse owner and mother to Phanny if you do NOT breed her, as you have no purpose for doing so.  Breeders (well, responsible ones) do years, sometimes generations of research to discover the right blood lines to mix to better whichever breed that they are associated with.  They deserve the right to improve the species.  You have only a selfish reason/reasons for doing so, as you have already said that your main purpose for breeding your dear 3 yr old (who is barely old enough for good hard riding) is that she wants a baby.  Do you realize how ludicrous that sounds?  Phanny cannot possibly tell you in any way, shape, form or fashion, "I want a baby, please lead a stud to me so that I may go through all of that pain, just to have the baby eventually taken away from me."  Is that what Phanny is saying to you, if that is not what you are hearing, you are not hearing Phanny, you are hearing yourself saying, "I want a little colt running around so that I can play God to it."  Keep in mind, I am not being kind with my words, otherwise, I feel you won't get it at all. (actually, I'm not positive that you will anyway).  On the other hand, If you genuinely feel that Phanny needs equine company (which I did with my horse) buy her a little mini to be her companion, seriously. That's what we did with our gelding and he perked up and decided to live again.  I did not word my advice to be hurtful, just to bring home the facts to you as I see them and as you should as well.

  20. Sorry but your parents are correct. She is to young to be mother. She should be at least four. And even at that age she will need to be checked, and watched through it all.

    Im tottally ok with breeding, unlike most people on this site. However, im not ok with breeding, with out knowing. Since i dont know you, and know how much you know about breeding, i have nothing to say about you breeding your mare.

    But i would wait a few more years. Im sure your mare will be fine with waiting. I think it would be best as well, that way she learns to have more paitence. Trust me, i have waited three years for my mare to be breed, and now i have to wait another two. But it will be alot better then go in to earlier with a mare that is to young, and dealing with her foal getting stuck, a dry birth, still births, omg theres to many to list!

    I would take the next few years learning all about breeding, the birth, complactions, whats going to happen, and how to care for the foal. I have been studying for three years, and i still have alot more to learn. Breeding isnt for someone who doesnt know how to do it.

    So for now i will not try to help you convince your parents to breed this mare that is to young, and is a maiden. That will cause even more complaictions for the foal. breeding a maiden mare, that is only three years old! OMG i so hope you will have the paitence to wait. IT will be so much more enjoyable.

  21. I believe you are wasting our time with this phony question....we get the point. seem to have forgotten how to spell over the last 2 months......could it be overexposure to YA answers?  Like some kind of acquired disorder that paralyzes the cerebral cortex?  I think it's called cerebrotweenolysis, or something like that?????

  22. Please take Phanny to the nearest low end sale where foals that JUST HAD to be bred are dumped before they head across the border in a double decker to be slaughtered.  Let her see the sad stories first hand, many who were bred by people who never thought "one of theirs" would end up in a place like that.  If Phanny is as intelligent as she is soooooo pretty, she will quickly see the error of her desires and become an ardent responsible breeding advocate.

    She may even pledge herself to a life of celibacy.  One can hope.

    She needs an intervention.  As the being in the relationship who is supposed to have cognitive reasoning, it is your duty to do this intervention.

    Surely you couldn't justify creating yet another foal when overpopulation is as it is?

  23. ok first of all 3 is to young it will stop the mare from growing and she could have complacations and it costs thousands of dollars for the care of the mare and foal so i agree with ur parents srry

  24. Do you like Phanny?  The reason I ask is because I was forced to breed my Bueno Chex Imp daughter in '86 and she was just 4.  My mare's sire went world in '86, part of the package for buying her was that the former owner wanted to breed her the following year or so.

    Breeding your 3 yr old mare is like getting a 10 yr old kid, pregnant.  Would YOU have enjoyed that as a child?  Your mare will be ready to breed in about another 3 years.  Get her going good undersaddle and then think about breeding her.

    BTW I lost my Imp daughter as an 8 yr old, carrying a foal who was about 6 mos along.  I still believe it was because I was forced to breed her at such a young age.

    The other reason your folks probably don't want to breed your filly is that the horse market is REALLY depressed right now and what would happen to that foal when you eventually discover boys and your horses discover another home?

  25. Listen to your parents on this one. Have a mare in foal is a huge responsible, and it has a lot of vet bills. Also think about it, if everything does not go perfectly you can lose the foal or mare or both. Also there is the stud fee. $500+ depending on the stallion.

    One last thing 3 is a bit too young. She is more likely to have a hard birth.

    Just Don't breed her her foal will most likely end up on

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