
I need some more perspectives on the name Haven David for a boy...?

by Guest60862  |  earlier

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I would simply like to know if you think this name sounds...odd. Do you think these two names sound like they don't fit together? Maybe it would be simpler if I were to throw in some haphazard surname. How about...Haven David Graverson, or Haven David McLean? You don't think this name sounds bad now, do you? Try saying the name(s) aloud - see if it makes a difference. :^] I thank you so much!

What about...Haven Kenneth (my close cousin's name,) or Haven Jeremy?




  1. Personally I don't like the name Haven, the middle names David, Kenneth and Jeremy would be better for the first name.

    sorry...I know that's probably not what you wanted to hear.

  2. Haven sounds like one of those trendy girl names that everyone is using right now. I just don't think it's a good name for a boy.

    I like David, Kenneth, Jeremy, and Vander though.  

  3. I like David a lot, but not Haven. It's too out there for me. Sorry.But I think David Haven would be a cute name. It works well as a middle name.  

  4. I think Haven is slightly sounds a liiiiiitttllle bit hippie, I think, idk...But YOU DO WHAT YOU WANT, DEAR!!!  It's your baby after all, and your choice that will matter in the end.  I don't like Haven that much, how about Henry David, Hayden David, or Harry David?  Such cute, traditional names, and not that common in this generation of American boys.  Everyone's overlooking the plain, traditional names now, so you can name your kid Anne and you won't meet many.  But I am firm in my opinion that Henry David, Hayden David, or Harry David are best:)  Personally, Hayden is my all time favorite, it's Welsh, and a gorgeous name.  Good luck and congrats.  Bye!  xxxxxx

  5. Haven is a tiny town near my city. All it has is a bar.  

  6. Haven is a great and unusual name but, next to David, it just doesn't sound...right.

    Too many Vs too close together, if you see what I mean?

    Totally keep Haven though!

    Haven Jeremy is cool. You could shorten it to Haven J.

    Say it a few times out loud, sounds ok to me!

  7. Haven is odd to begin with I think and then with David, it kind of rhymes....

  8. Haven David sounds odd.It sounds odd because you are mixing new/old. How about Haven Andrew, Brody,Christopher,Dean, Everlie, Finley,Garrett, James, Kenneth,Kailix,Kennedy, Liam, Luther, Alexander, Maddox, Neelix, Nelson, Patrick, Ray, Shawn,Sinclair, Thomas.Tobias, Wexler,Weston, Zander.

  9. Haven David is an adorable name! [;

    i like it.


  10. David Graverson, or David McLean?

    What about... Kenneth (my close cousin's name,) or Jeremy?

    See how nice these names look WITHOUT the odd name Haven?

    I really like David McLean if it's pronounced correctly (McLain). Jeremy Kenneth looks good too.

  11. Hi! I don't think that Haven David flows but a suggestion is Haven Alexander! I love those two together! Good luck!

  12. I love both names, but I'm afraid they don't flow very well. You have great name taste but I think David Haven might sound better. I love Haven though, so in order to keep Haven, how about Haven Lee? Does that sound good?

  13. Haven just sounds too feminine for a boy and is a strange name anyways.

  14. Haven David flows well.  I don't care for Haven for a little man though.  It seems a little soft for a boy.  Kind of a wimpy name IMO.

  15. It almost sounds too feminine for a boy and too masculine for a girl. It would be a cute nickname but I don't know that an adult man would appreciate that as his given name.

    How about Haven as a middle name so you could call him by that as a child but then he would have options if he decided to become a businessman or president of the US. :)

    I wouldn't pair anything with Haven that also had a "V". David and Vander both flow poorly with it because of that reason.

    PS- when I said it outloud all I realized is that it sounded kind of like the word Heaven being spoken with an accent.

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