
I need some mythical beings that have a human like forms.

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ok so i'm writhing a book and need some creatures that have human like forms, siren, golem, wraith. not centaurs or miniature, they need to be entirley human form ( like a siren is made of water but has the general shame of a woman) any help would be great.

P.S. if there are any ideas on how normal human can get turned into these, spell, object, but not by any noticeabel ways like a vampire biting them.




  1. Centaur (half man, half horse), Minotaur (bull head, man body), Tikbalang (also written Tigbalang, Tigbalan, or Tikbalan) is a creature of Philippine folklore said to lurk in the mountains and forests of the Philippines. It is generally described as a tall, bony humanoid creature with disproportionately long limbs, to the point that its knees reach above its head when it squats down. It has the head and sometimes feet of an animal, most commonly a horse. It is sometimes believed to be a transformation of an aborted fetus which has been sent to earth from limbo.[1]

  2. Vampire, Fairy, Santa Claus, Ghost (kinda mythical cos no one really knows if they exist!), Ancient Egyptian Gods maybe?

  3. Reptilians have human form. .

  4. elf gnome halfing dwarf nymph pixie dryiad goblin orc angel ghost half elf sure theres more but that soff the top of my head

  5. mermaid, vampire, werewolf, elves (the lord of the rings kind or the santa kind haha), dwarves, zombies

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