Okay, I know that it's very uncreative of myself to ask others, but I'm looking for a good name for a character in a book I'm attempting to write, called Fragments. I'll put all the details in here, so if you can think of anything, I'd enjoy your suggestions!
s*x : Female
Height : 5 feet, 6 inches
Weight : Somewhere around 90lbs - 120lbs
Body frame : Athletic
Eye color : Chocolate brown
Hair color : Brown w/ red patches ( around her bangs and such )
Hair length : Shoulders
Occupation : Military / Special Forces
Common weapons : High pont .40 cal rifle ( http://bp1.blogger.com/_URYRaaO8n20/R3agIK0tltI/AAAAAAAAAE8/nxnFe0V9pjI/s1600-h/HIP9000-LG_NO_RED.jpg )
Personality : Cheery, playful, easily angered, impatient
Thanks for the insight