
I need some names of online adoption agencies, no requirements?

by  |  earlier

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i want an agency where you can see the pics of the babies, of any race in any location




  1. It doesn't work like that, sorry.

    Get a puppy that way maybe, but a human.  NO.

    'scuse me while I go puke now.

  2. All states have requirements of adoptive parents.

  3. the sites that show children are not legal usually... there is laws about confidentiality and child predators that deter it... when we adopted the agency said if they show the children find another agency...

  4. i did see one once that had pictures of the children waiting to be adopted but its had requirments and i don't think you'll get one the doesnt.

  5. And, why would you need a web site advertising babies with no requirements for adoptive parents?  No clear on that.  Don't know any, and wouldn't tell you if I did.

  6. there's always requirements. if there arent, the adoptions being done illegally. and honestly, why would you want an agency with no requirements? doesnt sound like you're the type that should have kids at all, let alone adopt.

    do you realize that someone could come on here and be terrible enough to offer you their baby for money? that's the kind of thing a post like this supports!

    maybe this post was just written wrong, or poorly expressed, and if that's the case i apologize for  my response. but it shouldnt have been written at all

    ETA. in fact, after looking at your question history, you sound as if you're about fifteen. wait a few years, mature, and maybe then you will be ready to start asking about adoption.

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