
I need some one to destract me from cutting! urge big and bad!

by  |  earlier

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wanna cut...shouldnt cut! need to look normal...act normal...seem!




  1. See my website [I don't know]

  2. You should really go and see a mental health professional and get help with ways to distract you from this behavior.  

  3. hold ice cubes...

  4. Ok first of all why are u cutting? Is what you should ask youself, then think about all the people you love and think how they would feel if thye knew about this. Or you could try this!

    a friend of mine was doing this to herself so i told her to buy a pet like a fish or hamster rat the list goes on. so she could distract herself and love something enought to focus her attenton on.

    so she went out and bought herself hamster she ended up stop doing it by learning to care for a hamster! Now if this is not possible try talking to someone about what you feel and tell them how it happend!

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