His teacher has this system to where if they do something "wrong" they pull a stick and put it in their pocket. If you get 5 sticks in your pocket they call your parents. There are code numbers at the top of the paper and she will put the # in the comment box that fit why they received a stick. #1 - Not following directions, 2 - Keep hands and feet to yourself, 3 - Be respectful, 4 - Control talking and 5 - Complete assigned work. He has gotten a few #1's, with following directions. I assumed this meant he was getting in trouble, or a warning stick because his teacher was telling him to clean up his area and he wasn't doing it, or maybe misbehaving in some way. I found out that he is getting these sticks because he is doing his work wrong. They were working on fractions this week, and he didn't get his answers right so he was given a stick, with the code #1...not following directions. He was given another stick because they were to write the month of February 1 - 29 and he only