
I need some questions to ask others about homosexuality?

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okay i am doing interveiws for school that deal with the controversial subject of homosexuality in todays society. all questions are welcomed if you have an answer to the question you ask please provide it as well. hopefully when i finish these interviews i will post it on youtube and you can listen to the answers your questions received. thank you everyone who answers this question with a question.




  1. are you g*y?

    does you mom know you're g*y?

  2. ? wierd ?

    but what the heck...

    How did you first know?

    Looking back, at what age did you know you were g*y, although at the time you may not have understood what it meant?

    Do you konw any g*y people?  How old are you?

    Do you know that the bible has the same reaction to tatoos as to g**s.

  3. When did you first realize you were different, that you liked people of the same s*x while others liked people of the opposite s*x, and how did you handle it?

    I knew back in elementary school but I didn't say anything until my senior year of high school. I had a long time fear that I liked guys because I was molested by one when I was young. I acted on my feelings a few times before then but I kept it a shameful secret.

    What was your coming out experience like?

    Uneventful, I just stopped lying about it. I came to terms with the fact that I also like guys and well as girls, and really I don't talk about it much unless someone asks.

  4. Hello guy, i think you can check this out:

    Kim: Can you explain how homosexuality misqualifies energy?

    Jesus: God has a dual nature, namely the masculine and feminine, the yang and the yin elements. Everything in the entire universe is created through a harmonious interaction, a harmonious union, of the masculine and feminine polarities of God. When the two come together in a harmonious union, new life is created.

    Everything in this universe is an expression of these two aspects of God. This filters all the way down to the material universe, and that is why a human soul has a masculine and feminine aspect and why human bodies are masculine or feminine.

    You will notice that when a masculine and feminine body come together in sexual union, new life can be created. However, if two bodies of the same s*x attempt sexual union, they cannot create new life. What you see in the material universe is simply an outpicturing of a spiritual principle.

    This ties in with the fact that all of your actions will qualify the energies of God. When a man and a woman come together in sexual union, it is possible that this union will qualify the energies of God in a pure, one might say Holy, manner. Therefore, the energies generated by the sexual union can ascend back to the spiritual realm. When this occurs, both sexual partners will have a deep experience of union, not only with each other but with something beyond their souls. They can indeed experience a spiritual union with their higher selves.

    However, I must caution that there is no guarantee that heterosexual s*x will always produce a sense of union or qualify the energies in a pure manner. On the contrary, the vast majority of sexual intercourse falls below the critical mark and misqualifies the energies of God. This will inevitably occur if people engage in s*x purely for the gratification of the body or the physical senses. If there is not a true and pure love and a pure desire for spiritual union, sexual intercourse is likely to misqualify energy.

    When you have an interaction between two bodies of the same s*x, you do not have a masculine and feminine polarity. Therefore, there is no possibility that the interaction can produce a true union between male and female aspects. I am aware that some homosexual couples feel that they have attained such union. I am aware that some homosexual partners have a pure love for each other. Yet I must tell you that homosexual s*x can never produce a true spiritual union. Therefore, homosexual s*x will inevitably misqualify the energies of God.

  5. If science was to prove without a doubt that Homosexuality is encoded in our DNA and not a choice. Would you then accept Homosexuals and their lifestyles?

  6. Should g*y marriage be legal in all 50 states?  why or why not?

  7. How do you feel about g*y Bashing/Hate?

    that would be a really good one

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