
I need some real help please?

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Okay so I'm gonna breed my mare Juicboxx who is a grade pinto/standardbred/quarterhorse in a couple days. i just want to get some color out of her, cuz she doesn't have good conformation and she's really head shy and has only been ridden a few times. I want to breed her to a colorful stallion.... it doesn't matter what his breeding or show experience is, he just has to have pretty color and a LOT of it!!!! Do any of you know of any horses with pretty color that are for stud for less than 100 dollars? I can't pay more than that. Area doesn't matter if they ship s***n. NO answers saying don't breed cuz Im gonna no matter what!!! i don't care what anyone thinks abou it. if you're going to say don't breed then don't bother answering.

This horse will be trianed really well and sold when the foal is old enough to a good home so don't worry.




  1. it's people like you that ruin the horse world

    GET OUT!

  2. I just threw up in my mouth. You're right, we shouldn't worry because you obviously possess a TON of judgment. Ignorant and adamant; what a delightful combination.

    FUGLY BYB Alert!!!

    "I mop up. I clean up the mess left by morons who just have to breed their mare." - Kill buyer Manny Phelps

  3. DUDE!!!! Great another horse with a pretty colour but c**p confirmation and no prospects! Just what we needed in the world! Sorry but you are asking a super silly question here and any serious horse person will think so!

    But good luck with your pretty coloured piece of c**p that will have as much of a chance as you have given the mare! You don't even know if she has any talent cause your to scared or lazy to try. So you will just try and get a foal on her that is better? But your only concern is colour? Not temperament or confirmation or talent of the stud!? Paint breeders look for colour AND confirmation! Oh and I love how you are going to pawn the mare off on someone, who would pay good money for her? At least it might pay for your stud fee.

    Crazy people..........

    And if that really is the pic of your horse and that isn't a shadow, I'm super depressed. Cause if you are attempting to breed a horse and can't even tell the difference between a gelding and a mare, it is a sad sad day.

  4. haha, that's funny...NOT.


    How dumb do you think the people on here are???

  5. Not sure what area you are living in. I am from the west coast and you will not find a stallion worth breeding to for that amount. Most breedings start from 300.00 to 1000.00 dollars. And I am going to say it...... you really should be more picky about who your breed your mare to. I don't think you should breed to a horse just because he is pretty, there is a lot more to it when it comes breeding.

  6. DO NOT breed JuiceBoxxx!!!!!  Breeding a GRADE horse and saying you're going to sell the foal is like saying you're going to let your dog breed and sell unpapered puppies!

    I know I sound harsh, BUT if your mare already has bad conformation, you're not going to "fix" it in her foal!  You're just passing on bad genes.

    With just feed alone, by the time the foal hits the ground you're going to have $2,500.00 into it with extra feed, care that the mare's going to take.  IF your mare's not already broke, then don't spend the money on that as well, bankroll the money saved and buy nicely made mare/gelding that's already broke and ready to go for you.

    There are soooooo many well made horses with papers out there, why bring a foal into this world that will likely end up crossing the boarder into Mexico or Canada to be rendered?

    Sorry to burst your balloon, but somebody's got to issue you a wake up call.

  7. okay, if you cant afford anything more than 100 dollars, why the heck are you breeding?

    how much do you think you are going to spend when the foal comes?

  8. I am thinking (and really, really hoping) this is a joke since you have the horse posted on a website that is more of a travel website than a photobucket.  And I am also guessing you are a reader of fuglyhorseoftheday since you have described some of her biggest rant topics.  Please say it is a joke?  Because if it isn't, your cute little colored baby is most likely going here:

    EDIT::: Oh ha, it is a male!  I am feeling better now.  This is a joke...Hooray!  One less badly bred foal!

  9. Seriously, the reason you have a mare now like you do is because someone once did the same thing you are about to do. Breeding poor conformation doesn't miraculously produce good conformation. Are you planning to pay for the breeding with your saved up lunch money? That's what it sounds like to me. I can't pretend to be nice about something so willfully irresponsible. I personally love horses too much.

  10. This HAS to be way am I believing you're that dumb and obnoxious when it comes to horse breeding. If you can only afford a 100 stud fee how in the world are you going to be able to pay for the mare care and foal care?? Stop instigating trouble on this board. This is for serious reality based questions!!

    Edit= Putts I believe you are right!!! GOOD eyes!!! HAHAHAH

  11. I got a BIG NEWS FLASH! for you Juice boxx. The anatomical structure of that horse will make it impossible to breed with a stallion. The horse pictured is a MALE horse! The tip of his penile sheath is clearly visible in that photo you posted.

    *2nd note to Paintgirl: Good recovery! My faith in your honor has been restored. But I am not a "Miss Putts." I am a Mister Putts. My nickname is Puttsy and I was given that handle during my high school years because of the old beater car I used to drive. I couldn't get Puttsy as an ID on Yahoo because it was already taken and so I settled for Putts_e.

  12. One less badly bred foal and more poorly raised human.

  13. This is obviously a joke from one of the immature morons who made it onto my red dot club and then changed their name... two names pop into mind right now.

    You're going to have a really hard time breeding that horse, since I've never heard of a MALE horse giving birth.

    Little advice: stop being a smartass and wasting peoples time with ridiculous questions and grow the h**l up. You're going to have a h**l of a time once you leave the safety of the computer chair and enter the REAL world buddy....

  14. I really hope this is a joke.

  15. I think you're a troll.

    Probably a smart troll, too, who knows a few things about horses because you have everything down pat.

    Ugly horse, non registered, bad manners, hasn't been ridden, want to breed to a pretty but cheap stallion.  The only thing you got wrong was wanting to breed it this month, that would give you an awfully late foal, so you got that part wrong.

    Of course everyone's going to lecture you and get their snot in a knot.  Sounds like fun, huh?

    But I have a great idea for you.

    Why don't you breed this mare to a champion Thoroughbred race horse!  You could possibily get a really fast horse that could win races and earn you tons of money and trophies!  It doesn't matter if the horse is ugly as a mud fence as long as it can run, does it!?  You might have to pay a bit more than $100, but maybe you could cut some wires in a local breeder's fence and shove your mare in with the great stallion!  That would save you money, wouldn't it?

    And if the colt ends up ugly, untrained and slow, then you could always just sell it to a packing plant in Mexico, and try again later.

    I just knew I could help.  Good luck with your speedy pinto foal, I'm sure you could make over $100,000 if its fast enough!

    Oh yah - It's a gelding in the photo!  Better yet.  You are positively going to get rich, rich, rich because anytime you can get a gelding in foal there is alot of money in it from Enquirer and other magazines.  Good luck, maybe it won't matter if the ugly, lame, nervous and untrained foal is slow since it's mother/father will be famous!

    Fear not, Miss Putts, I am most happy to give you credit for the sharp eyes!!!  Not trying to spoil anyone's fun - just had to agree with what it appears to be.  As for the way I edited, when I push edit the box just appears and I just type.  Not trying to sneak anything in, is there a better way to do it?

    Anyhow, back to heckling the poster of this question, that interests me alot more then fighting over who said it first!

    I still think there's a good chance for the owner to become rich and famous once the male horse has its foal!  And it won't matter if its a stud or gelding then, will it?

  16. Need location...for $100 I'm assuming you want a local stud.

  17. Find something better to do with your time.

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