
I need some really good quotes if any body has them (:?

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I need some really good quotes if any body has them (:?




  1. "Dreams are just tools we use to get out of this harsh reality we call life."

    "The bad thing about books is that they are like life, they end to fast."

    "The saddest people in life are the ones that take it for granted"

    "Most people die without fulfilling their dreams, I don't plan to be one of them!"

    "The happiest people in life are the ones with nothing to be scared of."

    Don't give up on love, because I would chase it to the ends of the earth"

    "It feels as if every year that goes by makes time move just a little bit faster"

    "People ask why I smile all the time, the reason is lifes to hard not to"

    "A life without love, is a life not worth living"

    "Friends are like the net in a trapeze act, they are there to catch you when you fall"

    "Have you ever noticed that when you are around someone you truly love,time stops"

    "Love is not overrated, people are"

    "Some people put to much emphasis on the boyfriend/girlfriend thing and not enough on love"

  2. To say to those beaten in a sporting event, after winning:

    "Into every life, a little rain must fall."

  3. "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind dont matter and those who matter dont mind"

  4. "There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won't anymore, and who always will. So don't worry about people from your past. There's a reason why they didn't make it to your future."

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