
I need some reassurance from anyone who knows how to say "no" when they want to?

by  |  earlier

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i'm going to be a junior next year. i want to eat lunch with a new group. i've eaten with the same people since i came to the school in grade 9. thing is, i really like some people in the other group and want to get to know them. the problem is that my group really dislikes the other group for some reason. so i plan to just start eating with a new group b/c it's the only thing i can do. i feel bad b/c i am going to hurt one of my best-friends, but she doesn't want to get to know the other people. i always used to do things to please other people, but i need to learn to stand up for myself and do what i want to do. i really appreciate any reassurance or advice because this is a really really hard thing for me to do:( thank you so much.




  1. You need nobody's permission to eat with the other group. Pick up your tray and go sit with them. You certainly can be polite and say, "Excuse me, I am going to sit over there with [fill in the name.]" and get up and move.

    You're not glued to your best friend. This is unlike not sitting with your boyfriend because you want to sit with another boy a table away, you know.

    In a few years, you'll look back and realize it was so unimportant in life.

  2. in this day - best friends come and go - so you need to remember life is short and you need to be in control of it not someone else. it's your life and you are the director. the word no is like saying "cut" when making a movie - use it wisely - you are old enough now to know what you want and who you want to be friends with - so go for it and if the other don't like it well too bad. tell them you are out reaching to broaden your horizons!!

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