
I need some renewable stuff i need help its for my homework plz help :(?

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like name some renewable stuff




  1. I hate it when people are to lazy to do their OWN HOMEWORK!!! Use your keystrokes and "google" kid!

  2. Solar, wind, bio fuel, small hydro electricity, love...

  3. Bamboo - used for flooring, wall treatments, window treatments

    Hay/straw -- excellent building material (cob); straw bale homes are exceptionally efficient and inexpensive to build, used for feed, mulch, etc.

    Hemp -- for rope, oils, fabric, wall coverings, carpeting

    (Trees, by the way, are rapidly declining as a renewable resource).

    Compost -- from grass clippings to leaves to fecal matter -- a great way to reclaim nutrients for gardening

    The sun -- for heat, energy, growth

  4. paper fibre is renewable look at any box board stuff in your home IE cereal box Kleenex box it should have a symbol stating a % of post consumer paper fibre.Also look on your tolet paper packaging and if you have paper towel look at the packaging label should tell you % of post consumer paper.This means the amount of paper that was recyled and put into the new product.Hope this helps you.OR other renewable power is wind,water, solar,your question is a little vague.Wood, plant fibre for BIO FUELS are renewable

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