
I need some sayings...?

by  |  earlier

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Just like 'I'm a poet and i didn't even know it'.... stuff like that.

Thanks so much in advance!

Keep it clean please!




  1. When in doubt, throw it out.

  2. 1) If i was smart i would have ran away with the circus by now.

    2) that was never part of the plan.

    3) that sounds like a recipe for total disaster.

    4) If you cant convice 'em, confuse 'em.

    5) whats got your wand in a knot?

    6) I am a headline thats going to make front page news.

    7) I am the fastion that your all into.

    8) gossip keeps us alive, so lets keep on talking.

    9) you're such a sucker for a sweet talker.

    10) crossed legs another teenage bore.

    11) die young and save yourself.

    12) fly away little hummingbird.

    13) the grass and the daisies think alot more of the day than you.

    14) breathings just a waste of time.

  3. "It's hard to carve a rotten wood"

                                              by -confiucius

  4. If you like the short one-liner quotes, there's an awesome "thought provoking quotes" pdf found on the bottom of this page:

    Here's some examples:

    Unexamined life is not worth living - Socrates

    If you cannot be a poet, be the poem. - Carradine

    Eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.- Gandhi

    And tons more.... :)

  5. here is a good website about common sayings:

    hope this helps

    good luck...

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