
I need some serious advice .. About becoming an actress?

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hi! I am 16 years old and my only dream and passion is to become a famous actress! Okay then 2 days ago my sister got invited for a talent screening so I went with her and my mom and I was told to do it too even though it was supposed to be my sis well the guy told us to say our names and ages so me and my sis went up in front of everyone (40 people maybe) and when we were finished the guy gave us our application back and he had written on mine "very pretty" so we were then told to go to a studio in the next room and I had to get in front of the camera on my own and just talk and the dude told me I was very beautiful and why I hadn't started earlier. Buttold me he couldn't sell a Ferrari without an engine referring to me I had no "engine" which he meant I had no training I've never done acting or auditioned for anything. He is the dude that started jessica alba! yesterday he called my mom and told her I was one of the top 5 kids. And I have to go back there tomorrow the thing is im shy!




  1. If you are truly serious about a career in acting, it is extremely important to study the art - study, study, study and study!  When I first moved to California, I thought that was my passion, but it is a lot of hard work.  You should get involved in drama, your community theatre, taking acting classes.  Bascially, anything that you can do in performing arts.  This will help you be more marketable.  Also, you might want to start considerng a college/university that you can get an education in the subject.  If you are really serious - get over the shyness, the business is 'dog eat dog.'  There are people who want it bad and they know they can't be shy to get noticed!

  2. This is CLEARLY a scam.  Compare the prices he's quoting you for classes with what other people in your area charge.

    Guarantee you he is a lot more.  And these scammers name drop all the time.  He may have had some periferal contact with Jesscia Alba.  But believe me, he did not "start" her career.  Don't fall for this.

  3. Well, with that attitude you'll get no-where.

    Im shy doesn't cut it. There is a thousand girls just like you if not better and they are not shy at all. If you want this, blood sweat and tears there is no room to be shy. You got to fight for it, and show that guy your Ferrari does have an engine.

    You need to show people what you got or you will get no-where. Jessica Alba had to shave her head for Dark Angel, bet she wasnt shy to .... !

  4. okey so i have the same problem i am shy too!!! but i love acting!! and wow girl u r very lucky!!! just dont chicken out!!! my friend told me taht acting is preetty much to embarce urself in font of ppl so just act like how u r in front of ur friends and then just be like that in front of the camera!!!

  5. Shy...ha. Nice excuse. If you want this, then get out there and show them what you got. Shy is just something to hide behind. And when your hiding behind 'shy'. You aren't a Farrari, your a beat up volvo. So be the farrari and shine.

  6. this site has tips as well as casting calls: Hollywood-opportunities(dotcom)

  7. Maybe you can be sandy in grease.  She is shy too! Or nessa in wicked.  (If your sandy you will need to compete against Laura)  goodluck!  Also, in 2 years you  might be on broadway!!!!

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