Please i been to the doctor so dont be rude!
Yesterday i went im 19 weeks prego i had like an achey feeling in my lower side and when i walked it hurt to much in my side and i couldnt get comfortable,so i call my doctor they checked me for an uti an that was neg then sent off to the lab for an bladder infection test that i wont find out till about wensday or thurday the result they doctor said its probally just the baby stretching me.but all last night i couldnt sleep i have been up all hours and its sorta of painful so uncomfortabble on both sides feels like i have been holding my pee that the feeling and have to go,but i can pee and it doesnt burn when i pee either.everyway i move its hurts what should i do?should i call a different doctor?also im not bleeding,thanks to all mature answers.