
I need some serious help. How can I improve my run time?

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I just ran 2 miles in 21 minutes. This is just embarrassing, and I have completely exposed myself with being way out of shape. I’m a 25 yr old male, non smoker, 5’9” and weigh in at 208lbs. I need to drop some weight and I HAVE to shave at lest 5 minutes off my time. I only have a month and a week to do this. I need to know if my goal is even realistic and how I can go about doing this. I know running more is the key I just need some kind of advice on how to go about doing this. I found I had no stamina or muscle endurance. Half way though my time was 9min and 45 seconds. I need help on how to increase my stamina and my endurance. I have to make this 2 mile run in under 16:34. PLEASE HELP!




  1. When i was in the marines we used to swim to train also try alternating between doing your two mile run and sprints. Also you need to work on breath control and pacing yourself appropriately but in the end it might not work for you everybody is different I'm 23 and weigh 250 pounds and can 21 minute 3 mile. Hope this help[s!!!

  2. You can do a lot in 5 weeks, but should definitely start out by working on your foundation.  To start, go for long, slow runs.  I would suggest running 3-4 miles per day during the first week, then during the second week increase the mileage to 6-8 miles, whatever you can handle at that point.  Toward the end of the second week or beginning of the third, begin interval training.  Once you have a solid base of endurance, you can work in intervals (breaking down the mileage) to increase your speed dramatically.  I suggest starting off running fast miles--run 1 mile in 8 minutes (or less!), then rest for five minutes and repeat.  Shoot for three miles.  If you can do more, go for it.

    Another good interval workout, if you have access to a track, is 800s.  That's two laps around the track.  Aim to do six of them, at 3 minutes or less each, with recovery time in between.  Also, you can do the same thing with smaller distances--600s, 400s, 200s.  Rounding out each practice with short, fast sprints (about 100 meters) is always beneficial.  Don't forget a distance run at least once per week, to keep up your stamina and to loosen up your muscles.  Good luck!  I'm sure you can do it.

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