
I need some serious job advice, changing jobs...What to do?? ?

by  |  earlier

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So am I at a job that I do like (at a Major Children's Hospital) I however hate the people I work directly with & dont love the job Im doing. I was just offered a job at a previous employer to come back & do somthigng I havent dont before (but that I could easily learn to do) for just about 2x my salary... This should be a no-brainer right?? Why am I having doubts.. Help any advice??




  1. Inertia is a powerful thing.  Just take the new job.

  2. Consider other things like distance from your residence. Remember to inform the present employees in good time so that there would be no legal problems in the future. And my God if your salary is double than the present then why are you still waiting. Go ahead and warm up your mind for a change.

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