
I need some serious psychological mental issues. I don't have money. where can I go to get some help?

by  |  earlier

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I am a perverted and voilent man




  1. With a 67 % best answer,you are a perverted and violent man ???????????

    I think you are super intelligent and energetic man with big potential still unexplored and unexploited. And because this ,you like to produce pain to yourself.

    Stop, my friend with crying like an impotent.

    Sit down right now and make Brainstorm for find two or three sources to make money. Do it tomorrow too and if needs yet a day. I'm sure you'll find. I found.. Only you can help to yourself. Nobody in the world can or  wants really to help to other. Only you. Remember this. I know from experience. All is blah...blah..

    Ebay that was a paradise for making rapid money is today out

    To go work for a low salary is not a good solution, but I do it. In the meantime I made two months brainstorm until I found a good idea and in this moment I build a website for it.

    If I can , you can too.

    Good luck.

  2. well maybe, u could try writing to some clinical psychologist who writes for magazines- there are a lot of them who give good advice and they'll give you proper advice on what to do. if it still dsnt work, well then mayb u should try saving ur money to meet a psychologist(not psychiatrist). all the best

  3. I suggest that you see your doctor about this problem.  They might refer you to a psychologist, depending on the nature and seriousness of the problem.  Speak with your doctor about the symptoms and tell them about how it has affected other people around you.

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