
I need some tamagotchi version5 advice?

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i just got a version5 i need some cheat codes

please dont give my fake ones




  1. well the thing is u cant get cheats and even if you could basicly there is no point in even getting 1 cause you r just using cheats to get good stuff.

  2. Kristen has a very good list here, Thanks !

  3. i don't think there are cheats for tamogochi

  4. There is secret code on every instruction manual.

    also, Here is the codes to get free items from the tamagotchi v5 game: Not all of them may be correct, but I'm pretty sure some of them work, It's been while since I've tried.

    07000 43194 (m) fried rice

    07000 43295 (m) bread

    07000 43396 (m) sushi

    07000 43497 (m) tempura

    07000 43598 (m) oden

    07000 43699 (m) soba

    07000 43790 (m) takoyaki

    07000 43891 (m) steamed dumplings

    07000 43992 (m) mabodofu

    07100 43094 (m) soup

    07100 43195 (m) crab

    07100 43296 (m) barbeque

    07100 43397 (m) hamburger

    07100 43498 (m) prime rib

    07100 43599 (m) julep cocktail

    07100 43690 (m) hot dog

    07100 43791 (m) gumbo soup

    07100 43892 (m) pasta

    07100 43993 (m) bagel

    07200 43095 (m) sausage

    07200 43196 (m) shepherd’s pie

    07200 43297 (m) paella

    07200 43398 (m) balance biscuit

    07200 43499 (m) milk

    07200 43590 (d) lollipop

    07200 43691 (d) donut

    07200 43792 (d) candied apple

    07200 43893 (d) dorayaki

    07200 43994 (d) dango

    07300 43096 (d) senbei

    07300 43197 (d) wagashi

    07300 43298 (d) moon cake

    07300 43399 (d) tapioca juice

    07300 43490 (d) tropical fruits

    07300 43591 (d) mango pudding

    07300 43692 (d) coconut juice

    07300 43793 (d) shaved ice

    07300 43894 (d) chocolate bar

    07300 43995 (d) cupcake

    07400 43097 (d) popcorn

    07400 43198 (d) biscuit

    07400 43299 (d) parfait

    07400 43390 (d) frappe

    07400 43491 (d) pudding

    07400 43592 (d) apple pie

    07400 43693 (d) crepe

    07400 43794 (d) steamed bun

    07400 43895 (d) sesame pudding

    07400 43996 (i) campfire

    07500 43098 (i) textbook

    07500 43199 (i) cracker

    07500 43290 (i) DVD

    07500 43391 (i) aquarium

    07500 43492 (i) disco ball

    07500 43593 (i) stereo system

    07500 43694 (i) Super Unchi-kun

    07500 43795 (i) Gotchi King DVD

    07500 43896 (i) girl’s dresser

    07500 43997 (i) paint

    07600 43099 (i) train

    07600 43190 (i) horn

    07600 43291 (i) bubble set

    07600 43392 (i) basket ball

    07600 43493 (i) silk hat

    07600 43594 (i) tennis racket

    07600 43695 (i) yo-yo

    07600 43796 (i) sandbox toys

    07600 43897 (i) yacht

    07600 43998 (t) daruma

    07700 43090 (t) lucky cat

    07700 43191 (t) Mt.Fuji

    07700 43292 (t) Japanese wooden doll

    07700 43393 (t) carp windsock

    07700 43494 (t) panda

    07700 43595 (t) koala

    07700 43696 (t) merlion

    07700 43797 (t) Chinese fan

    07700 43898 (t) batik cat

    07700 43999 (t) Statue of Liberty

    07800 43091 (t) Liberty Bell

    07800 43192 (t) space shuttle

    07800 43293 (t) lasso and cowboy hat

    07800 43394 (t) totem pole

    07800 43495 (t) double-decker bus

    07800 43596 (t) bull

    07800 43697 (t) La Bocca della Verita

    07800 43798 (t) Eiffel Tower

    07800 43899 (t) windmill

    07800 43990 (o) heart key

    07900 43092 (o) palette (Ciaotchi)

    07900 43193 (o) airplane ticket (JALtchi)

    07900 43294 (o) bow (Depagatchi)

    07900 43395 (o) book (Jidoutchi)

    07900 43496 (o) sweatshirt (Uniqlotchi)

    07900 43597 (o) diagonal square thing

    07900 43698 (o) computer

    07900 43799 (o) special drink

    07900 43890 (i) magnifying glass

    07900 43991 (i) whistle

    07001 43094 (d) roll cake

    07001 43195 (o) Morikamitchi

    07001 43296 (i) watering can

    07001 43397 (d) creme pastry

    07001 43498 (i) karaoke machine

    07001 43599 (o) trophy

    07001 43690 (i) jukebox

    07001 43791 (m) maki

    07001 43892 (m) pizza

    07001 43993 (d) cookie

    07101 43095 (i) mirror

    07101 43196 (i) Reportchi DVD

    07101 43297 (m) fried egg

    07101 43398 (m) mushroom

    07101 43499 (d) gingerbread church

    07101 43590 (o) pottery or vase

    07101 43691 (o) cruise ship

    07101 43792 (o) all-inclusive family trip ticket

    07101 43893 (m) canned fish

    07101 43994 (d) mochi

    07201 43096 (d) cocktail

    07201 43197 (i) necklace

    07201 43298 (d) gingerbread house

    07201 43399 (i) pinball machine

    07201 43490 (i) lady’s hat

    07201 43591 (i) clothes

    07201 43692 (o) cell phone (Melulutchi)

    07201 43793 (i) noise maker

    07201 43894 (o) Magokorotchi

    Some of them, you have to be an adult, or there may be other requirments in order to get them.

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