
I need some tattoo help!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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okay here is the deal

i know the smart way to becoming a tattoo artist is to get an apprentiship.

but i dont care, just tell me straight out, is it illegal to learn tattoo's on your own, i know thats how the originals did it.

dont give me a lecture about this either i wont even touch someone until ive learnt everything about sterilization and all that jaz.

okay so please help out




  1. Fck all the bullshit man i bought my own tattoo machine and learnt how to do it on my own thighs. It aint illegal to do it but it's illegal to tattoo people and make a profit from it. There is plenty of one time use gear to buy and really nothing can teach you how to tattoo like good old practice.  

  2. It is not illegal to learn to tattoo on your own nor is it illegal to tattoo on yourself. BUT there are a lot of laws about the environment that a person tattoos in (as in, how clean the building must be) and various other things that can get you in trouble if you tattoo somebody, something goes wrong, and they decide to sue.  

  3. You can learn to tattoo on your own.  However to actually tattoo someone with out passing the health regulations or getting a license is illegal in ALL states.

  4. It's not illegal, per say, to learn how to do a tattoo on your own. However, scratching, aka tattoos done out of the home, are usually frowned upon and is illegal in most places. Learning is different than trying to tattoo unlicensed. Most scratchers don't give a rats *** about cleanliness or aesthetics. However, you seem like you do. You could practice on meat such as chicken, turkey or ham instead of people. That way you get the experience of a skin like object until you can actually find an apprenticeship.  

  5. It will save you a lot of trial & error if you have someone show you the shortcuts.

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