
I need some tips about FALCONRY

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Can a Brahminny Kite be used? How to Tame? How to make them go them back to you if you let then fly..... a complete information is greatly appreciated....




  1. The link below can be helpful as they have a trained brahminy kite -


    Also go for these one's -

  2. As I am studying falconry, I hope I can provide a legit answer.

    No, kites are normally not used.  Mainly accipiters, buteos, falconidae, and the occasional eagle will be used in this wonderful art.

    Some species of birds are easier tamed than others. The American or the European Kestrel,for example, are easiest tamed; a lot of books recommend not even using hoods for these small birds.  Other birds, such as the ferruginous hawk or the red-tailed hawk are harder to tame because of their large stature.

    When training one of these birds of prey, you first use a creance.  A creance is a long cord, usually around 30 ft in length depending on the species.  It is the equivilent of a large leash, I suppose.  However, when you use the creance, have is fastened to something on your person--your gauntlet (your glove), your hawking bag--something--so that if the bird exceeds the length of the creance it will not fly away.  The creance is used when training your bird to fly to the lure.

    Many-a-bird have been lost in falconry.  A falconer I recently met told me how her first kestrel was chased off by a larger cooper's hawk--it was most surely killed and eaten by this cooper's hawk.  Such incidents are common in the world of falconry.

    When you fly your bird, you attach a transmitter to the bird's leg or tail.  This will help you if the bird is lost in tracking it down.  My falconer friend demonstrated this to me.

    Some books I recommend on falconry:

    North American Falconry and Hunting Hawks by Webster and Beebe

    California Hawking Club Apprentice Study Guide by the CHC

    The Falconer's Apprentice by William Oakes

    Care and Management of Captive raptors by L Arent

    Avian Medicine by Jaime Samour

    Falconry and Hawking by Phillip Glasier

    Some websites:

    Best of luck,


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