
I need some tips about catching frogs.?

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My family and I are going upnorth in a few days and it's our cottage up there is by a lake. So, there are many frogs and snakes there. I am a huge fan of frogs and wanted to catch one. Does anyone have some tips about catching some?Some tips that involve not hurting them. Like luring them into a bucket or something. PLEASE ANSWER!




  1. First off, before you go out to search for frogs, wash your hands with a little soap and water and make sure all soap is off your hands. Frogs have very sensitive, very permeable skin. Chemical or even natural oil from you skin can be unhealthy for frogs.

    The best time to look for frogs is at night. Have a small flashlight handy (not too bright)  and search along the walls of the house and the edges of the lake. They are most likely in these areas. You can try the field, but chances are most frogs are going to be collected along walls and the lakes. If you have a net, that makes everything so much more easier.

    When you do catch a frog bend down close to the ground to hold it. Frogs and lizards do this "suicidal jump" to get away from catchers and pursuers. If it jumps from your hands at a standing height and hits the ground, it can damage itself internally, eventually killing the frog.

    Be mindful of snakes. Where there's a lake, abundant prey, and not too many people, there will be snakes. If you are not sure what species of snake you come across or if you know for a fact it is venomous, leave it be.

    Have fun and good luck!

  2. go is the morinig or after it ranis they mate itn the mist

  3. Ok they dont know what they are talking about when theyre saying at night cause parents wont usually let their kids go off alone at night.

    1.Frogs for me are far most easiest to catch if theyre babies.At your cottage,go beside the lake,for me i catch them every year and theres grass everywhere.

    What i do is lay back side up on the grass and wait for them to start jumping around and quickly cup your hands aroud them.

    2.The 2nd way of catching frogs for me is getting a dollarstore net and try catching them in water or on land which covers a larger area than hands biut you get the idea.

    Do you know how people always catch butterflies,so ya the same thing.

    The thing is that frogs arent nocturnal except for the pickeral frog and a few others,but you said many frogs and pickeral frogs are cannibilous so you dont have pickerals.

    A way to get frogs out and jumping is to get a large bucket and fill it with the lake water and dump it all over the grass or earth,i hope i helped,i have a huge fascination for frogs too.=)

  4. my little sister and i just catch them with our hands we had so many frogs (about 1000) and a little tubaware container to put them in they were babies though

  5. Do your frog hunting at night with a light. Their eyes reflect the light and are easily seen, and they can be approached if you are stealthy. Make sure it isn't a snake or that a snake isn't stalking the frog you want to catch. you can use your hands or a capture net to catch them.  ...Good Luck...

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