
I need some tips for riding english.?

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i have rode western all my life. i only know how to ride western. i need some help/tips on riding english. my friend who does AMAZING in english shows is gonna get me started i jumping but i need some tips on riding english. ANYONE?!




  1. i agree with the first answer. you need to learn to post (if you dont know how) and practice two pointing (the jumping position)

    you do ride with a shorter stirrup when u ride english, so u do need to get used to those.

  2. read some english books or watch some english riding on tv or you tube  

  3. do you know how to post? if you don't, try in a western saddle.

    start riding western with a shorter stirrup.

    Try standing up in your stirrups, to learn to half seat, or two point, or jumping position.

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