
I need some tips to hide it

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ok so i'm walking in the halls and then my thing goes up for know reason how do i hide it

p.s i don't know how to spell the other word for it




  1. Haha, I'm going to have to go along with the others and say that you should do the waistband thing. Hides your ***** (erection) and doesn't feel too bad either.. It actually feels pretty good.  

  2. try not to walk around too much and get to where your going fast and stay away from women

    good luck

  3. Don't bother -- I know you can't imagine it -- but honestly, no one will notice, and no one would care anyway.  Stop being embarrassed, stop worrying -- just live.

    kind thoughts,


  4. waistband, that problem fixer.

  5. if your referring to your p***s then wear briefs which are a little tighter and hold all of that in

    or have your shirtlong enough to cover it up..

  6. Dude, my ex would always do the waistband thing. Works like a charm.

  7. i like to play a game called "k**b touch" when that happens to me.  Go someplace very crowded and play the game.  

  8. like what the first person said, flip your d**k up and use the waistband

  9. Wear long shirts, or always have a book or something with you to hide your erection.

    Isn't it amazing how a p***s has a mind of its own?

  10. just start masturbating, and when you are done, it'll go away. so will everyone in the hallway. lmao.

  11. wear jeans...and think of your mom naked

  12. Wear a speedo. IT will keep everything in place.

  13. wear a diaper

  14. wear tight jeans. if 8 doesnt work, try cutting it off dude! lol

  15. wasteband

  16. u can go through the pain of cutting it off...or or just stand next to a hot girl maybe shell get the picture ;p

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