
I need some treasure hunt clues!?

by  |  earlier

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For outside and inside i've done 3 already.

Its my sleepover treasure hunt!(its also my birthday!)

and then at the end please put what should be the prize!





  1. This is in the hunting section.I ushally answer hunting and shooting questions.But I guess I can help you,I have no idea what you kids are into these days,maybe 2 movie tickets.Here is a idea for a clue you could have it say your next clue is located near a room that has no doors or windows and you can't go inside.It is a the way happy birthday.I miss being a kid.

  2. Hey what about putting a game(cards or any board game or anything 4 your friends.

    I better think you lock a box and put the prize inside the box and challenge your friends to find the key .

    Happy birthday.

    you may put clues and keys behind tv and computer etc

    also under beds and inside pillows

  3. Yeah, candy would be good. Or just buy a whole bunch of PS3's. Just kidding there. Everyone loves candy!! I'm 13 and love candy, too so.

    Or you could stuff a whole bunch of vitamins/ chewable pain/fever relivers into a bag and say its candy....

    I'd say go with option 2 so you can see your friends die.

    Nah....candy's good.

    Have a awsome birthday!

  4. i  think if ll lik cute stuff bracelets or lockets will be fine all girls like stuff like this . i   have a huge collection of bracelets and dat way they even will remeber ur b day bash

  5. happy birthday,

    yea idk how to answer your question

    candy...11 year olds love candy...

    heck i'm 15 and love

  6. Happy birthday!

    You need to think sideways.

    Where are you searching?

    What things are there around?

    Do the clues lead you to the place it's hidden?

    Do you want everyone to collect say ten items and first one back gets the prize?

  7. Your firstr clue are in the wrong section!  This is the hunting section.  You know, hunting, like in deer, squirrels, ducks, etc, not treasures.

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