
I need some types of inequality, other than racial and gender, for a paper?

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I have already covered racial and gender, but I need 2 other types.




  1. It might be interesting to find out if the Muslim community in the USA has been treated unequally, post 9-11. After all, we believe it is unequal discrimination for the police to profile by race, to look for criminals. So what about profiling people with Muslim names for terrorism?

  2. how about Age, or disease related....... people living with HIV tend to be discriminated upon by loosing their friends, family, jobs....etc

    Senior citizens are also discriminated upon

  3. age

    sexuality ?

  4. Economic


    sexual preference


  5. How about social inequality (like social status as in your job, income, etc.)?

    Sorry that it's only one...but it's all I can think of.

  6. economic inequality. which could envelop a range of other inequalitys like acess to health care, food, water, education, houseing.

    or you could look at ageism which is pretty rampent in north america.

    or smaller inequalitys with in familys, like when parents play favourites and the developmental ramifications of that.

  7. Gosh one of the biggest has not been addressed yet!  Religion! Maybe not as much in the US, but very much so in the middle east and Europe.  Catholic vs Protestant, Christian vs Muslim, etc.

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