
I need some very scary ideas for haunted hayride!!!

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We already have some ideas: Girl is pulled off trailer going up hill. then, we come bak around andd she runs down the hill screaming with strobe lights flashing. then she 'falls' in the water. also, theres a scene where im telling a story. suddenly a gun is shot right next to us, and im the one who is 'shot' in the head. my brains go all over them. (its actually wet maccoroni and ketchup!) the other idea is im telling a story about the indians that lived there. then, as we pass the old barn, an 'indian spirit' on a horse will chase us. cant wait. any more scary ideas?




  1. I worked at one during highschool. they would have people climb up into the trees and make weird noises. it gave it a different depth of sound. super creepy. we also ran air tubes into the pond and every few seconds bubbles would start coming from the middle. if you tie three or four together with rubber bands, it make a lot of noise and looks like someone is drowning or trying to come back to life ;)

    ohh,if you know anyone thats good on stilts, just have them standing in the shadows barley moving. maybe a faint flood light behind them to get the shadow right.

  2. Oooh I just love Halloween.  I volunteered in a haunted forrest once and what people said was the best part was the silence and sneak attack with the ghosts.  The idea is not a bunch of gore but to build up fear through anticipation.  If there is a wooded area have some ghost like people silently wondering in the woods.  The ghost were holding lights so they glowed.  Mean while as everyone is focused on the ghost a mist started (fog machine required) to come up from the ground, so the ghost seemed even more hazy.  Then above them in a tree a ghost came out of the mist with his face skeleton glowing and at the same time another ghost reached out and brushed someone's foot. I know most haunted places have a no touching policy but it was subtle.  The key is anticipation and distraction.  When they are looking one way, scary them from another direction.    

  3. i went on a hayride once and we went past an old barn or something and this guy comes out and stands by the barn in the shadows, so nobody saw him.

    all of a sudden a chainsaw was blaring right next to us and he was waving it and chasing us down the road


  4. Have a scarecrow that moves a little have scary voices and people dressed up like ghosts with lights. Also add flying things and fog machines!

  5. well i remember working a hayride... what you can do is put an extension line from one tree to another, then put something freaky on the line, and have it fly down. looks like a flying ghost. also,  you can take a pressure tank, plastic, empty, and put a tube to it. fill it with fake blood, and pump. connect the other end to a special helmet you can make, to make it fly out when wanted. viola! automatic gun head shot. It was done with a play i was in, and it works great. You could also have the strobes, like you said, throw in a few zombies and what not, whatever. try playing with fire in some way, fire and water, and practically all elements can definitally be used as an advantage.  

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