
I need somebody to write me a poem?

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About how great Toast is. yes the crunchy bread type of toast. Do not ask why just can someone please do it? I love you forever if you do (:




  1. soft and supple

    into the box

    the coils glow red


    mmmmm toast

    pass the jam  

  2. Toast, I love you the most,

    Crunchy and Munchy,

    Toast I love you the most!  


  3. Crunchy toast is the best

    I'll some then later eat the rest

    I think toast is really yummy

    If you don't then you are a dummy

    Toast makes me very happy

    If you don't like it then you can slap me

    Put on some peanut butter put on some jam

    That's the good stuff, forget about spam

    Yummy Yummy

    In my tummy


    May the toast be with you

  4. Not having much luck here, are you?  

  5. Toast


    The name is toast

    It tastes so good

    It could just about boast

    The blackened sides

    Tastes so great

    That when you chomp them down

    You forget you ate

    What waits inside?

    A buttery oil

    That is gone in a moment

    Never to spoil

    Great with jam

    Good with eggs

    It may even be yum with orange yam

    Or turkey legs

    Warming your day

    In the morning

    It can never stay

    For your stomach gave it fair warning

    Not to forget the fact

    That it is easy to make

    But most important, in one final act

    It is dirt cheap, cheaper than a stake

    So next time you're

    Hungry in the morning

    Don't reach for the sky

    Reach for the toast, that will never be mourning

    Hope this helps . . .

  6. A Toasty Haiku

    Toast is my buddy

    It's crunchy and buttery

    It's better than pie!

    By Renia

  7. I'll put you in my oven,

    cook you like a roast.

    Id really like to have you,

    On warm buttered toast.

    Wont need mustard or mayo,

    your tastier than the rest.

    Wouldnt eat you on plain bread,

    Cuz a girl on toast is best.

  8. Warm to the touch, its aroma lingers round.

    Soft within, it's outside, golden brown.

    Crispy, each bite sounds a crunch.

    With jam for breakfast, or PB for lunch.

    No diet could ever clear toast from my head.

    What better with pasta, than crispy buttered bread?  

  9. Electrical coils heating up,

    pressing against compressed wheat,

    smelling like morning.

    Mechanical pop, tiny ding,

    rushing over and making faces

    in the brushed metal surface.

    Butter knife clinks against

    trapped strawberries in a jar,

    scooping and scraping.

    Tongue running over lips,

    teeth clicking together,


  10. toast is crunchy and brown has more tastes than a clown have it in the morning or at night. toast eny time, toast eny day  

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