
I need someone to explain to me about this Ossetian crisis. What does this all mean?

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break it down. I'm sure many people are wondering.




  1. What happened was that the South Ossetians decided to exercise the right of self-determination and secede from Georgia with the intent to join Russia.  The Georgia dictator (who was "re-elected" in a sham election earlier this year) got a promise from the US government of military aid if he attacked Russia.  From there, he waged war on Russia and ended up being defeated because Bush didn't follow up on his promise to start WWIII so that Georgia could deny the Ossetians the right of self-determination.

  2. Well I'm wondering if Putin and most Russians want to take back all the states that used to be part of the USSR. Perhaps they have found the excuses to do so.

  3. Georgia, and many other former Soviet Republics, have regions within their sovereign borders that are majority ethnic Russian.  South Ossetia is such a province of Georgia.  An attempted insurrection by ethnic Russian separatists in South Ossetia was met by troops from the Georgian army.  The Russian army moved into South Ossetian and other regions of Georgia to protect the separatists.  The Georgian army was no match for the Russian troops, so the "war" ended quickly.

    If you are a Georgian, it means a heck of a lot, especially if you or a family member were kiiled or injured, or if you lost property.

    If you are John McCain, it is a faux national security vehicle for you to drive into the White House.  McCain said, "We are all Georgians", during his term last week as pretend-president.

    If you are an American, and Obama become president, it is further unfortunate confirmation that there is evil in the world.  But since America is not God, America cannot defeat every evil.

    If you are an American, and McCain become president, it is the next front in the war to spread democracy.

    If you are under 26 and an American, and McCain becomes president, it could become your home for at least a year of your life, unless you die defending it first, or unless you are sent to spread democracy to some other violent hot spot on the planet.

  4. Understand that no one here can answer your question, We only know and repeat what the two governments have told the press to tell us.  My best guess is this:

    Bush wanted to give McCain a boost, so he got his good friend and US educated stooge, President of Georgia M. Saakashvili, to make what looked like a sneak attack on Russian Osetia. (Maybe he actually believed we could get him into NATO) Then Bush got his good friend V. Putin to execute his pre-arranged plan to retaliate and drive tanks around Georgia for a couple of weeks, looking especially menacing for the cameras, just before the elections. (Russia gets clear title to Osetia and Abkasia and popularity points at home in return).  Then everyone in the media make a big deal about the whole alleged 'crises.'  And we get the Poles to accept our expensive unproven missile system which will justify a new arms race that will pick the pockets of the US and Russian taxpayers and make some defense contractors rich.  

    You know one of the most traumatic incidents of my childhood was when my dad told me that wrestlers Vern Ganya and the mad Russian, Tiger Vishon didn't really hate each other and that professional wrestling is fixed.  

    Oh No!  Not the Toe Hold!

  5. After the Soviet Union broke up, there remained pockets of Russian minorities in the newly carved Republics like Georgia.  So in Ossetia there were a lot of Russians that wanted to unite with Russia, so they did in the early 90's.  

    So now lately Georgia decided thay wanted Ossetia back so....

    I really don't know who fired the first shot, but these types of regional conflicts happen and it doesn't mean we have to jump to conclusion about who's right. I think i's out of our jurisdiction and we should let Europe handle this one.

  6. To find the true story check the best answer of this question:;...

  7. It's all the Grand Game of Empires and world control . Neither is right or wrong . Both sides are anti-people freedom . It is which is the baddest bully in the sand box .  

  8. there's an important oil pipeline that runs through that tiny section of Georgia (Ossetia).

    It was built to bypass Russia.

    Ossetian independence is supported by Russia.

    Georgia is supported (nominally) by the US.

    It's about control of the flow of oil.

  9. Georgia broke away from Russia, so Russia held a grudge for years.

    Then, Russia provoked Ossetia into breaking away from Georgia.

    Once Ossetia became independent with Russia's help, Georgia got mad and started messing with Ossetia. Russia then got mad and invaded Ossetia in order to defend it, and threatened to go deep into Georgia, but Western pressure made Russia back down and everything seems to be back to normal now.

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