
I need someone who knows about renewable or alternative energy sources (URGENT!)?

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I'm starting an ICT 8 Junior Project, which is simply create a website based on a certain topic. Mine is Alternative Energy Sources, but I need to include someone who knows about this topic. This someone has to give me at least minimal help.I scoured the internet, tried forums, but nothing. Is there anyone that can at least give me a helping hand out there? Nothing big, but the person MUST know what they're talking about. Thanks.




  1. I would like to help. You can go to my web sight, then ask any question you have. Also you can look up my old answers to get more ideas.

    Climate change represents an opportunity as much as a threat:  By Walt Patterson

    Peak oil

    Solar concentrating collectors




    Have fun

  2. I hope this helps

  3. There are a lot of alternative energy sources out there that are realistic and can save a lot of money.  Try looking into wind (from wind turbines) power or solar power (from solar panels).

    Also, a few interesting topics to include are solar cookers (just google for more information) and check this out

  4. I've interview Darek Shapiro for a couple articles. He's VERY knowledgable about geothermal, solar, wind power, especially in residential and businesses. Here's his website.

  5. If you are interested in having information about commercial wind turbines, you can contact me.  My husband works on the commercial wind turbines in Idaho.

    I'll put you in contact (via the web) with my husband.  Since I'm guessing you are a teen, I'd like you to ask your parents permission.  It's just good form, and good cyber saftey to ask parental permission before speaking to an adult via private emails.

    You can click on my account and view questions I've answered about wind turbines before.  My husband is D_Offio.  If you click on him (in the contacts under my name) you can see questions he has answered before, and decide if you are interested.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

  6. Try to find anyone in your state that uses it's own watse to cut down on emissions. They should be able to help you or at least know someone who could.  Even some big companies reuse or try to use alternative energy sources.

  7. Hey -- slow down and take a deep breath . . . there is a way lot of information available, and learning how to find it can be as important as finding it . . . it is not exactly fair to you to just tell you . . . how then will you ever develop the research skills to effectively administer your site?

    Perhaps that is what is troubling you, that there is SO MUCH information out there . . . but learning how to separate the beans from the rat droppings really makes a difference when you go to eat the soup . . .

    you will find some info on my site,, but it is mostly about what we do, but there are a few links -- be sure to go to, lots of good info there, and at green energy news.

    it is a big subject, "renewable and alternative energy sources" and you will do us a big favor by being discriminating in what you post. Good research is necessary in order to make those projects and individuals who are more about substance stand out from those who are just about style.

    Remember how to eat an elephant? -- yep, that's right, one bite at a time . . . so approach it that way, it is not going to happen in a weekend, but it will not happen at all without the tenancious plodding activity of putting one foot in front of the other

    Lots of good info for you already, each one represents a thread that will lead you on to new and interesting discovers, try to remember that the journey is as least as important as the destination, and as you do, leave only foot prints and a pleasant aroma behind.


  8. Scoured the internet? You must not have tried for long.

  9. I don't think that I would personally be a good source, but I think you missed a wealth of sites. Go to and search on the keywords you are looking for. I'm including a list of sites in the source list as well, but don't forget

    Once you develop the skills to research via the internet you'll be set for life!

    Timothy D.

    West Melbourne, FL

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