
I need something but I don't Know what actually I want?

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I need something but I don't Know what actually I want?




  1. well to be frank the same is the case with almost everyone in this world. take for instance "Che Guevara" he left his home on a journey to cover most of Latin America (with girls and adventure being the prime criterion), but life had other plans for him. the same journey that was planned by him led him to fate that was totally unpredictable at that point.

    there are many more like this.

    We will all be faced with a situation in our life which will have the potential to change our life for good or bad. Follow your heart, it will lead you to the road that you might have to trod in the near future.

    this may sound mythical but trust me life is a mystery filled with fun and adventure only because of this small quotient of myth;the hidden future and it will remain to be the same because of this hidden friend

  2. Some CLARITY is the need of hour.

  3. close your mind and heart for some time and think

  4. u know wat..........u want a true friend, who is very near to u....jus look around.

  5. you are confused with your life and you're not satisfy with what you have at now. You need a goal but you dont even know what is that .

  6. You need something or someone that gives you happiness.

    My cats always work for me when everything else seems to fail.

  7. "something", that what u said u need! huh,dumb!!

  8. Everything that you need is within.

    Love and blessings Don

  9. I want to answer but I don't know what actually I have to answer...


  10. find that missing piece you just got to explore  

  11. go to a silent room..... away from everybody...... and ponder about what you really want.  

  12. You could of had a V8.

  13. You remind me of the cartoon, where a sweet young thing is sitting in a psychiatric office with the same complaint. The psychiatrist is pictured as taking off his trousers.

  14. You start loving yourself and then pass on to others that is what you need now.

  15. U r confused ,bcoz u need many thing ,so u dnt want which u shld prefer first.

  16. You need company for you, if you are a bachelor get married...already married ,go for a long tour,get refreshed.

  17. I think you have some kind of desease

  18. what we think we want, we dont need

    what we need we dont want

  19. a puppy =]

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