
I need something free for 6 teens to do??

by  |  earlier

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So, there will probally be 6 of us. i need stuff we can do. it's 4 girls, and 2 boys. swimming sounds fun, but i'm not sure if they'd all be up for it.

and the park's out, cause at least 2 of em aren't gonna like that idea, as hot as it is here, and we went to the amll just the other day to walk around.

we have no money...

any suggestions on things to do??

(we're all 15-16, but none are able to legally drive....)




  1. Go to Blockbuster (or your local movie rental store) and watch a movie together.

    Go out to the store and purchase a Wii for some fun (249.99) get a second controller by purchasing Wii Play- All of you could take turns playing Wii sports.

  2. what state to u guys live in if u live in Georgia u could go to centennial Olympic park its fun.

  3. it really depends on what kind of people you are. you obliviously have friends, think about it. try and make everyday of your life memorable...

    even if you have NOTHING to do, you can still have a great time just by your self's. one thing is DO NOT just sit around and watch TV. converting is so much Superior . have close friends you can almost live with or talk about anything with is something rare. when you make them hold on to them.

    back to the subject, just be open to everything, yes hide & seek some were awsome sounds fun. be active. what ever,

    there your friends, your all growing up so experience things together.

    not trying to get anyone in trouble, perhaps get drunk? always a fun time, don't over do it DON'T be stupid.

    open your world to drugs,  with six friends its a very very bonding experience. weed / xanax / smart drugs/ nothing to big . and never pressure anyone to do anything they dont want when it come to that. just make sure there cool with it its not a big deal. so dont make it one.

    last of all just make everyone happy. laugh live love.   its life.

  4. Do a scavenger hunt. Make lists of silly thing like paper clip, and  picture of so and so next to a new mustang, split in 2 or 3 groups and got out for a while then meet back up and compare. could be fun, card games are always fun too

  5. Go in one of you guys' basement and play games! No, im not talking monopoly and scrabble. I'm talkin poker (strip?), spin the bottle, truth or dare, and all those other games that are free and quite entertaining! If you could scrape up a few dollars you should go to the store and buy a big  bag of chips and some soda. That will keep everyone occupied if nothing else! Just be creative and have fun!

  6. play hide and go seek

  7. you could just walk around your neighborhoods or a small town area. um lay in your front or back yard? run through sprinklers? haha kind of little-kiddish but it could be fun.

  8. make out, straight up

  9. hide and seek in the dark( in a cemetery maybe) can be really fun.

    truth or dare.

  10. go to the dollar store and buy a pack of water guns they are cheap and fun to play with!!!

  11. if you can get to your local Target store, in the dollar section there should be packs of 100 waterballoons for a buck. Like i said there should be, i work at Target in Ca, but i'm assuming that its pretty universal

  12. Tell everyone that comes to bring 2 of their favorite movies and have everyone bring a snack that is already at their house, or if they have a little money see if their parents can stop by the store, then y'all can have a movie party.

  13. play pranks on random people

    order a lot of food and send it to a diff address

    silly stuff like that

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