
I need somthing to help with my s*x drive?

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I have been married for six years i am 26 have 4 kids 9 year old twin boys a 4 year old girl and a 10 year old boy.I have no s*x drive what so ever I can go forever without it.I don't know what to do it is very frustrating not only for me but for my husband.I don't think he understands.I know that it has to be upsetting for him because we are both still young.I might try pills if no other option.




  1. yeah try that

  2. Girl you are just like me EXHAUSTED I have 4 kid too an 11yr, 8 year old twins and a 7 year old son and I use to suffer from the same thing. but I told my husband that if he would give me time to myself to do whatever I wanted a little bit each day it would help. and it does but if your husband doesn't give you the help you need with the kids it will be very hard to feel any energy for s*x.  I also recommend at least a night out with your husband once a month at least.  It is very difficult to have kids demanding your attention all day then have your husband acting like a dog in heat at night.  do something to make yourself feel like a woman again not just a mother and a wife. It is a delicate balance.but as a woman if you don't feel s**y you won't have any s*x drive.  just keep the lines of communication open.  Raising kids is a partnership he needs to remember that.  

  3. talk to your doctor and see what he says about it he might perscribe antidepressant for you

  4. you need to be aware in that unless your husband too shares in a complete lack of s*x drive you will have an ex husband soon enough.

    I am not sure that a marriage can work without combined sexual bliss both given and accepted from ones mate and love of their life. It could be he never woke up your sexuality he might weigh 450 pounds and making love to a rhino isn't possible even with a bag on his head but likely the reason is you have never tasted the intergalactic, multi dimensional, over the top, multi orgasmic, delicious, tall order, of non stop, giving and pleasure sharing, mind blowing, earth shattering, life altering s*x. How could you want what you don't know exists? the variables of why you aren't interested is a whole lot longer list than anyone can guess but a sexual trainer one who will actually share in the bedroom with the two of you the secrets that aren't secrets anymore might be a direction of council worth investing in. I think every human being on earth gets out of love what they put into it. Did you enjoy giving your husband pleasure before you got married? After? Did he enjoy giving you pleasure before the wedding or since? I don't think I am anything but normal but I need to feel my baby somehow every day. I need to kiss her and tell her in every way imaginable I need her want her and love her. OK OK

  5. i imagine getting rid of the kids would probably do wonders for your s*x life

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