
I need stress help, any tips?

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I get easily stressed out and I need a way to take my mind off things and relax....what could I do?




  1. Try Meditation on the Breath for stress relief

    Try Meditation on Loving Kindness for anger and ill will relief

  2. I get a lot of stress I have severe anxiety so since I was told by my Psych. to have a special place of my own I made it a good place.  I love to sleep so I took my already comfortable mattress and did some work on it.  First i bought some perfect sheets that are the softest ones I've ever felt in my life.  I got them at target they are made from bamboo and cotton.  Then, I bought a padded quilted bed cover that I put on top of my actual mattress cover, then I put the sheets on those.  I added about 10 -12 pillows and have them on both my sides, under my head and neck and under my legs to feel like I'm cradled like a baby.  Then when its all done I put on soothing sounds, not water or ocean sounds.  Easy ones like a fan or two.  It's so soothing it calms me down in about 30 minutes to an hour.  Plus my husband says it's the most comfortable bet in the world and he should know he travels everywhere.  If you don't want to rest I think bose makes noise canceling ear phones. Try those. But my Idea works well with my girls too. hope it works.

  3. Excercise really helps to reduce stress and anxiety.  If that is not an option... play a game, watch a movie or write in a journal.  

  4. Sounds like maybe you need a hobby of some sort?  Do you have one?  I enjoy taking photos, so when I am stressed out, taking photos helps me relax and clears my mind.  

    Here are a few other things that seem to work for me when I am stressed out:

    take a walk and listen to music

    go on a hike and enjoy the outdoors

    drink hot tea before going to bed

    take a drive ( I don't know how old you are) but driving is relaxing

    for me. I turn on the music and go.

    If you can afford it, a nice body massage works wonders

    What you surround yourself with, the music you listen to, and the people you hang around all have an effect on your stress levels.

    What seems to get you so stressed out?

  5. Try smoking dope--JUST KIDDING!! Don't do that, drugs will only make it worse.  But seriously try doing what some of the other answers above me said--exercising.  Exercise is one of the leading ways to reduce stress.  I exercise 5 to 7 times a week on a treadmill for 30min.  It also helps boost your immune system.  I've been keeping an exercise routine for over three years and don't even catch a cold anymore, it's great!  It also causes your body to release endorphins, the natural stress reducing chemicals.  You can also try watching something funny cause believe it or not laughter is the one of the best medicines around.  Are things going all right at work, home, school, etc?  Try not to put too much on your plate at once as far as responsibility goes. I made that mistake and had a nervous breakdown.  Learn how to be assertive and say no more often so that you won't be bombarded and overwhelmed with too many things.  Be sure to get enough sleep too.  Sleep deprivation is a huge contributing cause to stress, like when I was in college, I was so busy, I only slept like 4 hours a night, and was about to lose my mind; LOL.  Also, deep breathing and meditation.  Good luck.

  6. vigorous exercise helps!  meditation and deep breathing do, as well.

  7. go to baghdad

    it helped me

  8. I have the perfect solution. Join Kendo/Kumdo, the martial art of sword fighting. Its the perfect way of relieving stress.

    I mean whats more stress relieving than hitting someone with a bamboo stick?

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