
I need suggetions re: getting a home telephone...?

by  |  earlier

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I live in a very rural area and I have found it necessary to get a land line because my reception for my cell phone is non-existant!

I have contacted all phone companies available in my area and they all say they do not cover my location. I know that there was phone service here previously: there are phone jacks and there is a Sprint phone service box at the end of the road. (Embarq has since bought Sprint and they say they do not cover my area.) However, the previous owners have passed away.

There has GOT to be a way...




  1. did you ask your neighbors? Do you have neighbors?

    What about a town hall or something that you can inquire about..

    maybe repost the question indicating your town so maybe someone from that area can help.

    what country do you live in?

  2. what is your closest town?  Go to the town and find out who their carrier is.

    I also live in a rural area.  30900 block.  But my town has a local phone company.  I was able to bundle my Dish, phone and internet.  It is expensive, but I just budget for it.

  3. get it threw your cable provider

  4. Do you have internet service?  If you do, I know that T-Mobile has something called Hotspot at home...It allows you to use your high speed internet connection to make cell phone calls while you are at home...when you leave home the cell phone (a hybird phone) then uses their regular cellular network.

    I think Sprint is also starting to offer something similar, using a "home base station" they call Airave...again it uses your internet connection to make calls while you are at home.  

    Both of these are for people who have poor cellular signals at home.

    Short of that...I would check with your nearest neighbors to see what they use for their land line.

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