
I need teens and women to answer this?

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the last time i had my period was about 2 months ago...i havent had s*x and my regualr cycle is 31 days. ive had my period for 2 years so its pretty regular now. and im not living at home so i dont know what to do. :[




  1. sometimes when girls get really skinny they stop their cycle for a while. an excess amount of stress could also push back he day ur suppose to get ur period. maybe u should see a doctor just to be sure.

  2. Some girl's periods just skip from time to time for a couple months!! But I'd take a pregnancy test. Do you think your getting bigger? Are you throwing up?

  3. Why aren't you living at home? If you're at camp or something than your cycle can get messed up with other girls. And it's very possible you malnourished, or that you're simply not eating enough, which can cause you to lose your period. And periods are often painful for the first few years. I would suggest seeing a doctor, there could be many causes.

  4. you should see a docter he could answer better than any of us!!

  5. At 12 your cycles are still irregular, so don't worry about it, you should be fine.

  6. I used to be very irregular as a teenager, but in the same way. I would be regular for a year or 2 and then completely change or skip 3 months. If you have recently started a sport or losing weight or if you are under stress than you could miss it. If you are worried about it you should go to see a doctor..I think that places like planned parenthood might offer you an exam for a lower price if you don't have insurance.

  7. Don't worry, it's just an irregular period. This is completely normal, especially for young girls. So if you haven't had s*x, then you're definietly not pregnant.

  8. talk to your parents about it. or call your local planned parent hood and ask them. they dont let your parents know you have called and everything is confidential but they should be able to help. good luck

  9. It's normal to miss a period occassionally.  Sometimes you don't ovulate, or ovulate later than normal.  It's nothing to worry about.  

    If you continue to not get a period, you might want to see a doctor, but odds are that everything is fine.

  10. It could be that your not eatting properly or your under stress there are many different reasons but you should go see a doctor just to make sure everythings ok :)

  11. well you shouldnt worry, because i also have my period for two years. well at one time i hadnt had my period for more than two months, and i hadnt had s*x, i was still virigin, and still am, but then i got my period.dont worry sometimes  periods can be really weirde sometimes you sholdnt worry

  12. that happens to me alot and i'm a virgin.. dont worry about it but it could be certain conditions like pcos(treatable) or other things

  13. Sometimes, stuff like this just happens. People don't always have regular cycles. I've had mine for a year and its still messed up. Anyways, wait it out for another month or two, and if things don't go back to normal, consult a doctor. Hope I helped!

  14. Are you on any sort of medication or birth control, even though you aren't sexually active? Was your last period painful, or heavier than usual? It could just be nothing, but you should probably call your doctor and explain to him/her what is going on, to see if there is any cause for concern. They will probably do a pap smear, just to check. And depending on how young you are, even though you've had your period for 2 years, it can still be irregular. More than likely, everything is fine, but you are better safe than sorry.

  15. Have you been losing weight??? that may be a reason, or menopause, but i think you are too young for menopause

    HOPE this helps and God Bless- Snoop_bunny226

  16. It's not a bad thing, it happens to me too, I've had mine for three years and most of the time I'm regular, but every once in a while I skip two or three months, the only negative side is not knowing when you'll start.

    Just after a month keep wearing panty liners or somehting.

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