
I need the BIN number of the Commerzbank in Munster Germany?

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I need the BIN number of the Commerzbank in Munster Germany?




  1. If you have to transfer money...You can have your funds transfered without a BIN number... Just tell them to move it to thru the New York Stock Exchange. The german banks don't like it much since they can not apply as much in fees but they can do it. I just mover my motheres inheritance over without a problem... it took about 7 days...hope this helps

  2. If this is the branch where you have your account, the details may be on your statement, otherwise best to call the Bank.

  3. Hi! Here's the number you're looking for:

    Münster, Westfalen: BLZ (=BIN) 40040028.

    In case you need the Band Identification Code for the Commerzbank: COBA  DE   FF

    Hope this helps:))

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