
I need the Best/Unique wedding gift ideas you can come up with

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My friend is getting married in October and I want to get her something really, really nice yet I'm a little clueless.

I see the bride and groom at least once a week and my bf and I have a vacation planned with them at the end of the month. Should I go all out with mu camera and take pictures of the happy couple then turn it into a collage or put it in a photo album. Anyways, that's one simple idea that I need followed by another.

Thanks for your suggestions!




  1. Maybe take those pictures on your vacation and make a scrapbook out of it.  If you want to wait until after the wedding, maybe you could get some pictures from both sets of parents from when they were kids on up until now and then take some pictures at the wedding and reception and use all of the pictures and make a scrapbook for both of them.  They then could add to it as their family changes like having children and such.  

  2. One thing I've done in the past is to buy Christmas ornaments and other Christmas decorations and put everything into a beautiful white basket which I shrink-wrap and add a white bow.  They even make some ornaments that are just for newly-weds.  (Christopher Radko is one designer)  I can't tell you how much it was appreciated.

  3. Have you known the couple since they've been together? Do you have pictures from the beginning till now? I like the collage/photo album idea.  And taking pictures of them when y'all go on vacation. Take odd pictures. Take funny pictures. Take sweet pictures. Take pictures of all kinds.

    And take it a step further and create a little scrapbook with things they liked doing. Places they've been do. Go back to those places and get brochures, napkins, etc. But only of places they've been together. Stuff like that.  Then insert pages throughout the book and have their closest friends and family sign it. Giving a short detailed memory they have of the couple.

    Call it  "The LAST NAME OF HUSBAND's Journey" or maybe not something as corney, but something in the likes of that.

  4. One of the best gifts I received was a shadowbox of our wedding invitation.  You can put other things in there too, like a flower from her bouquet, the favors they chose, some lace from her dress or her veil.  Many different ideas to put things in there.  You can get shadow boxes at the craft store.

  5. One thing I would have loved was a great big picnic basket. Not one of those wimpy ones from Williams-Sonoma. I mean a nice, big, one that will stand the test of time.

    My parents had one (probably still do) and it was used so much, not just for picnics, but bringing food to parties, on vacations, trips, summer at the pool, everywhere... I just think its so useful. You could fill it with goodies for the newlyweds.

  6. My friend gave us the best gift of all... She took pictures of the wedding with her own camera and then made a scrapbook for us.  She ended up with better pictures than our expensive photographer for some things.  This way, your friend can have back up pics if she doesn't like the ones from the photographer (you never know!).  Plus, since you're her friend, you can incorporate more behind the scenes photos.

    Another scrapbook idea is to make some sort of display/scrapbook type thing with the happy couple's childhood and courtship pictures.  This could be displayed at the wedding and would then be their's to keep.

    You could pick something nice off of their registry or get them a gift card, if you feel something homemade is too cheap.

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