
I need the answer key to the living environment regents exam?

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thatt all high school freshmen are taking tommarow




  1. yea okay have fun trying to do that.

    they don't open the test until the actual day of the test.

    its impossible.

  2. I am also taking the living environment regents June 2008 today. It's 4AM now and I haven't gotten any sleep because I've been too worried about this exam. Instead of looking for an answer key to the exam, you should spend your time studying.

  3. Uh yeah that'll never happen. No one has them until they're opened tomorrow.

    And I even think you can tell if they're opened because the paper ages so quickly when it becomes exposed.

  4. I wish. that's what I need also!

  5. isn't that unlawful? hmmm?


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